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This walk: 2009-7-2. Jay's Grave and Bowerman's Nose, on a misty day .....

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.


Jay's Grave at SX 73235 79906. Local legend says that there are always fresh flowers on the grave ....... The story of Kitty Jay can be seen here, on a Legendary Dartmoor web page.


Jay's Grave.


A closer view of the headstone that bears no inscription. There were a few coins left for good luck ...... as in a wishing well, perhaps.


Kitty Jay committed suicide and as such could not be buried in consecrated ground. The grave is at the intersection of an old road and a track that crosses it, running from Natsworthy Manor to Hayne Cross.


Another view of the grave.


An old farming implement that consisted of three rows of vertical spring-loaded spikes that would penetrate the ground when the device was pulled along. This seems to be a an aerator, much as one might do on a lawn with a fork.


Our approach to Bowerman's Nose, located at SX 741 804.


Another view of Bowerman's Nose ..... between foxgloves.


A final view of Bowerman's Nose, in the mist!


Walk details

MAP: Blue = planned route. This walk was more of a wander and we did not track it by GPS, so there us no red track to show.

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


The approach to this walk was by the road from Alston Cross, signed "Sigford", from the A38 just past Ashburton, heading towards Exeter. Turn left at Owlacombe Cross, straight across Halshanger Cross, turn right at Cold East Cross, left at Hemsworthy Gate after passing Rippon Tor on the right. Then, right at Harefoot Cross and on to the car park by Hound Tor, signed by the  P  symbol and yellow cross on the map.

Distance - 4.92 km / 3.06 miles.


All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
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