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This walk: 2009-1-4. Pixies Cave or Piskie's Cave.

There is a good description of this feature on the Legendary Dartmoor web site - HERE.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.

NB - It is advisable to take a torch to see the inside of the cave properly. Also, access is by backing in on your stomach, it helps to be on the small, slim side - it is a tight squeeze unless you are a genuine pisky!


Approaching the cave on Sheeps Tor from the south, with the cave more or less in the centre of the photo, see next photo .....


The landmarks are the holly tree (left) and the oak tree (right). The cave is in the square-looking formation of rocks just to the left of the oak tree and slightly above it, see next photo .....


..... a poor-quality cropped and zoomed photo of where the cave is - the square rock formation just left of and behind the oak tree.


A Dartmoor pisky peeping out of the cave entrance.


Dartmoor pisky coming out of the cave.


Another view.


Two letter boxes just inside the cave.


Looking through the cave to see daylight at the back.


Dartmoor pisky in the inner (second) cave area.


A view inside the inner cave.


As previous photo.


Another view in the inner cave.


Strange formation in the inner cave, possibly a luminous alga on the rocks .....


..... in more detail.


The resident pisky!


Another view into the inner cave.


The view from outside the entrance of the cave, looking south-west towards "Lambs Park" on the map below. The trees peeping over the flank of Ringmoor Down appear to be at Ringmoor Cottage, 1.53 km (0.95 miles) away - see the second map below.


A Cornish pisky pointing to the entrance, which is slightly below the line of sight in this photo.


Another look back at the cave area, at the square rock formation just above the vegetation in the photo.


Walk details -

The cave is shown as a blue dot on the map below .....

Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100047373.
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


There is a sizeable car park at the position of the yellow cross. It is also possible to park on the road just above "Clitters" on the map but it is doubtful if there are climbers in action on the Sheeps Tor rock face as they tend to occupy the parking spots on this road.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions

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