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You are now licensed to copy Ordnance Survey mapping for business use.
Your temporary licence number is WL10021.
(Replaced by 100047373)
You must show this number, together with the Copyright acknowledgement shown at paragraph 7, on any copies produced. You will be sent a permanent copyright number with your invoice within the next 21 days.
Ordnance Survey paper map copying licence
Business use of paper maps
1 Period of licence
1.1a For postal applications the licence will take effect and become binding on the date that either we or our agent acknowledge receipt of your completed and signed licence agreement (effective date).
1.1b For online applications the licence will take effect on the date that you receive our acknowledgement of your application. By clicking the "Accept" button in the licence application, you indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions.
1.2 Unless either party terminates this licence as allowed within its terms (or you choose to renew it), this licence will continue in force for twelve (12) months (the licence year).
1.3 In subsequent years, subject to our licensing policy at that time, we will send you an invoice for the annual licence fee current at that time. Payment of this invoice by you, by the due date for payment, will renew this licence for a further licence year.
2 Permission
2.1 During the period of this licence (and subject to its other terms and conditions) you may copy Ordnance Survey paper maps solely for your own internal business use (as defined in paragraph 3 below), and for display and promotion purposes (as defined in paragraph 4 below).
2.2 Your licence is non-exclusive and non transferable, and you have no right to sub license any of the rights granted by this licence.
3 Internal business use
3.1 Internal business use is defined as the use of Ordnance Survey paper map copies in the ordinary day-to-day activities involved in the internal administration and running of the licensee�s business or organisation.
3.2 Such use of Ordnance Survey paper map copies is only permitted in the following circumstances:
3.2.1 solely and explicitly for the administration and operation of the licensee�s business or organisation (which excludes its supply to any third party unless expressly permitted by this licence);
3.2.2 in reports and submissions to third parties (where such activities relate to the internal business or administration of the licensee�s business or organisation and the licensee shall advise them that such Ordnance Survey paper map copies shall not be used for any other purpose), provided such reports and submissions do not carry paid for advertising in respect of third parties. Such use shall include electronic transmission of a graphic image, that is a raster data file produced solely for the purposes of allowing such third party to view and print one copy;
3.2.3 by the licensee�s contractors and agents when undertaking any activity for the licensee which the licensee is permitted to undertake itself under this licence but solely and explicitly to provide the Ordnance Survey paper map copies for the purpose of enabling them to provide goods or services to the licensee or to tender for the provision of such goods or services. The licensee must require the contractor or agent to destroy all copies of Ordnance Survey paper map copies when the contract is complete or the agent has ceased to act for the licensee, including those held in paper based or any electronic format provided. The licensee may permit such contractor or agent to retain one paper based archive copy of Ordnance Survey paper map copies which is relevant and necessary to document the goods or services delivered to the licensee;
3.2.4 where Ordnance Survey paper map copies are available on an internal network or on a remotely accessible server operated by an electronic hosting service, the licensee must either take steps itself or enter into a written agreement in relation to the facilities provided by the electronic hosting service to provide for appropriate industry standard safeguards restricting third party access to any data of the licensee�s which include or incorporate any Ordnance Survey paper map copies;
3.2.5 within any professional services provided by the licensee to its clients, provided that:
(a) the provision of Ordnance Survey paper map copies is not a service in itself and does not form a significant part of any service offered by the licensee;
(b) Ordnance Survey paper map copies may be provided only in paper form or by electronic transmission of a graphic image, that is a raster data file, produced solely for the purposes of allowing the recipient to view and print one copy; and
(c) the use to which such clients shall put the Ordnance Survey paper map copies shall be personal (in the case of a consumer client) or for the administration and operation of its business (in the case of a business client); and
3.3 For the avoidance of doubt the permission of Ordnance Survey for such supply of Ordnance Survey paper map copies to third parties as specified in paragraph 3.2.3 above is given on the basis that the licensee remains responsible and primarily liable to Ordnance Survey for the acts and omissions of such contractors and agents.
3.4 Such use does not extend to use of the Ordnance Survey paper map copies:
3.4.1 by any associated undertaking of the licensee, including associated, subsidiary, affiliated, holding or any parent or group companies or any other undertaking; or
3.4.2 save in the case of contractors and agents providing services pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3 or providers of professional services pursuant to paragraph 3.2.5, for any financial gain or commercial purposes of the licensee, whether the Ordnance Survey paper map copies are used on their own or in combination with any products or services of the licensee or which convey any financial gain for the benefit of any person other than the licensee or its employees.
4 Conditions of use for publishing for display and/or promotion purposes
For the purposes of this paragraph 4:
financial gain is where the licensee or any third party used by, or connected to, the licensee receives any revenue for the publication, including direct or indirect revenue or benefit from advertising.
display is a single, static image with no size restriction, for example, on display boards, or on the Internet.
promotion is for multiple copies through any media where, for paper and data, the total map area at scale must not exceed A3.
4.1 Subject to the restrictions in paragraph 4.2 below, Ordnance Survey paper map copies may be published for display and/or promotional purposes provided there is no financial gain but only:
4.1.1 as a background to display information specific to the licensee�s activities; or
4.1.2 to promote the licensee�s commercial services, provided that the use of Ordnance Survey paper map copies are secondary to the licensee�s business or normal commercial activities and is not a service or business activity in itself; or
4.1.3 in order to provide directional guidelines on how to locate the licensee�s premises or a location relevant to the licensee�s day-to-day business activities.
4.2 The following conditions apply to the publishing of the Ordnance Survey paper map copies for display and/or promotional purposes by the licensee:
4.2.1 the licensee must overlay outputs generated using the Ordnance Survey paper map copies with information that is specifically relevant to the purpose of the display and/or promotion. Use of Ordnance Survey paper map copies in this manner must only be to demonstrate the services or activities to which the Ordnance Survey paper map copies make a significant contribution. Ordnance Survey paper map copies must not be published on their own in any format or as the primary or dominant part of any display and/or promotion and must always be combined with appropriate additional information relating to the licensee;
4.2.2 a visible background watermark to identify the source of the publication may be required by Ordnance Survey. This is a mandatory requirement when publishing Ordnance Survey paper map copies electronically. The licensee shall choose its own method of applying a watermark from suitable alternatives. The purpose of the watermark is not to obscure or change the meaning of the licensee�s message, but to establish the source of the material and to deter its use for other purposes;
4.2.3 when using the Ordnance Survey paper map copies, whether in paper or electronic format, the licensee is to include a brief statement of the purpose of the publication and the reason why mapping information is included together with limitations for its further use. This can be placed anywhere within the document;
4.2.4 the licensee shall use all reasonable endeavours to prevent the improper use of the Ordnance Survey paper map copies by its staff or any third parties;
4.2.5 only such amounts of Ordnance Survey paper map copies may be used as are necessary to meet the specific need for which they are used;
4.2.6 Ordnance Survey paper map copies must not be published in their original condition either in paper or electronic form. Any publication, both paper and electronically, must feature such additional elements or content as are specifically relevant to the purpose to which they are put. Such additional content must be provided by the licensee and unless otherwise agreed with Ordnance Survey must be sufficiently significant to render the underlying Ordnance Survey paper map copies unusable for any other purpose. When published electronically this additional content must be incorporated into the Ordnance Survey paper map copies in a manner which does not allow them to be separated from each other unless expressly agreed in writing by Ordnance Survey; and
4.2.7 Ordnance Survey Data must not be published electronically in a manner which will allow vector map data to be extracted from the published materials. For the avoidance of doubt, this means in whole, part or derived vector data.
5 Security
You must use best endeavours to ensure the paper maps, including those used on the Internet, are secure from unauthorised use and/or access.
You must ensure that the following acknowledgement is displayed in a prominent position on all copies of paper maps.
Reproduced from [insert name and scale of paper map, for example OS Landranger map (correct product title) 1:50 000 scale] by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. � Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number [insert licence number].
Reproduced from Dartmoor OS Explorer map 1:25 000 scale by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
� Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number WL 10021.
Also, Copyright � 2005, Memory-Map, Inc., with permission
Or where space does not permit it is permissible to use:
� Crown copyright [insert the year of publication of the Ordnance Survey� paper map]. All rights reserved. Licence number [insert licence number].
7 Fees and payment
You agree to pay the licence fee, together with VAT, within 30 days of the date of our invoice. If you fail to pay within 30 days of the date of our invoice then, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies that we may have, we will be entitled to charge you interest on the unpaid amount at the rate of 2% above the base rate of National Westminster Bank Plc. Unless otherwise stated, all licence fees are shown exclusive of VAT.
8 Audit and inspection
Upon giving reasonable notice, we and our representatives have the right to inspect your compliance with the licence terms and to take copies of any necessary records and you will make reasonable provision to assist us.
9 Changes and ending of the licence
9.1 We reserve the right to change the terms of the licence and the amount of licence fee payable at any time on 30 days notice, provided that any changes to the licence fee will not affect any licence fees you have already paid. If you disagree with the changes you have the right to terminate this licence before the date such changes become effective in which event you will only be liable for the proportion of the fee paid for that year up to the date of the ending of the licence and you will receive an appropriate reimbursement.
9.2 We reserve the right to ask the licensee to carry out a review of their copying requirements every three years.
9.3 It is the licensee�s responsibility to give us at least 30 days� notice in writing of any changes to their copying requirements which will affect their annual licence fee.
10 Termination
10.1 We may terminate this licence immediately by giving you notice in writing if:
� you fail to pay any amount due under this licence within 21 days after the date on which payment fell due;
� you are in breach of this licence and the breach cannot be remedied;
� you are in breach of this licence and the breach is capable of being remedied and you fail to remedy it within 21 days of receipt of a written notice from us notifying you of the breach and requiring its remedy; or
� a receiver or administrative receiver is appointed over you, or you pass a resolution for winding up (other than for the purpose of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or a court makes an order to that effect, or you enter into a composition or arrangement with your creditors, or if you become insolvent or cease or threaten to cease to carry on business, or if a bankruptcy petition is presented against you (or where you are a partnership, against one of your partners), or where you are a partnership, the partnership is dissolved.
10.2 Either party may terminate the licence by giving the other 30 days� notice in writing. The licensee will be liable for the proportion of the fee for that year up to the date of the ending of the licence.
10.3 Termination or expiry of this licence shall not affect any rights or remedies which have arisen prior to the date of such termination or expiry.
11 Effect of termination
If we terminate this licence then the permissions granted to you within this
licence above will be immediately withdrawn and you must immediately stop
copying, publishing and/or distributing paper maps.
12 Liability
12.1 In no event shall either party be liable to the other in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for:
� any special, indirect or consequential losses or damages; or
� loss of profit, business, contracts, loss of data revenues or anticipated savings or for any increased costs or expenses save that nothing in this provision nor any other provision of this agreement shall prevent us from claiming for amounts lawfully due under the terms of this agreement or for sums due for infringement or breach of intellectual property rights.
12.2 Our total and aggregate liability (whether in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) under or in connection with this agreement will not at any time exceed in aggregate an amount equal to the total sums paid by you to us in the preceding twelve (12) months of the date upon which the claim arose.
12.3 Nothing in this paragraph 12 shall exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury arising from the negligence of the licensee or of its employees, contractors or agents.
13 Transferring rights and responsibilities
You may not assign or otherwise transfer any of your rights and/or obligations under this licence whether in whole or in part without our prior written permission.
14 Governing law
This licence shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
15 Enquiries
If you would like more information, please contact us. Our details are given below.
Phone: 08456 05
05 05
Fax: 023 8079 2615
[email protected]
Customer Services
Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road
United Kingdom
SO16 4GU
Appendix A
Please note, all licence fees are subject to VAT.
Sliding scale of fees
Number of offices |
1 to 5
Fee per office |
�47.50 + VAT
6 to 10
�46.00 + VAT
11 to 20
�44.25 + VAT
21 and over
�42.75 + VAT
Minimum fee = �47.50 plus VAT
Maximum fee = �3133.00 plus VAT
Example 1
Number of offices copying maps = 3
This is calculated as follows:
Number of offices |
3 at �47.50 |
�142.50 +VAT
0 at �46.00 |
0 at �45.25 |
0 at �42.75 |
Total fee |
�142.50 plus VAT
Example 2
Number of offices copying maps = 6
This is calculated as follows:
Number of offices |
5 at �47.50 |
�237.50 + VAT
1 at �46.00 |
�46.00 + VAT
0 at �44.25 |
0 at �42.75 |
Total fee |
�283.50 plus VAT
Example 3
Number of offices copying maps = 19
This is calculated as follows:
Number of offices |
5 at �47.50 |
�237.50 + VAT
5 at �46.00 |
�230.00 + VAT
9 at �44.25 |
�398.25 + VAT
0 at �42.75 |
Total fee |
�865.75 plus VAT
Example 4
Number of offices copying maps = 75
This is calculated as follows:
Number of offices |
5 at �47.50 |
�237.50 + VAT
5 at �46.00 |
�230.00 + VAT
10 at �44.25 |
�442.50 + VAT
55 at �42.75 |
�2351.25 + VAT
Total fee |
�3133.00 plus VAT
The maximum fee of �3133 plus VAT has been applied in the above example. All
license fees are subject to VAT.
Ordnance Survey the OS Symbol, Landranger and OS are registered trademarks of
Ordnance Survey, the national mapping agency of Great Britain.
We advise you to print this page for your records.
![]() Navigation training and events on Dartmoor |
![]() Digital maps for your computer so you can download routes to your GPS unit |