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Previous walks

503 walks incl. 2021-11-25 (excl. the Leats. 24,218 images)

2021-11-25. "Two Bridges Quarry Tor", Longford Tor, Littaford Tor, gateway, Crockern Tor, Stannary Parliament, Parliament Rock (cryer's seat), Bellever Tor, Beardown Tors, firing range flagpole, Devonport Leat, Higher White Tor, (Wistman's Warren), Wistman's Wood, Buller Stone, Crow Tor, West Dart River, Cowsic River, 1931 road bridge plaque, Two Bridges Hotel, 1792 turnpike road bridge, HT 94 stone, telegraph marker. D365-(K9), L9, M9.

2021-10-25. Crip Tor, Swell Tor, tramways, granite setts, Sailor's Home Quarry, powder store, inclined plane, Foggintor Quarry, Ingra Tor Quarry, tramway railhead loading quay, sett makers' bankers, Manager's House, Foreman's Office, Blacksmith's Shop, winch features, Engine House / Compressor House, drill testing stone, loading quay, Crushing House, railway siding, wooden sleepers, weighbridge site, London Bridge corbels, Points Shed site, buffers, King's Tor, King's Tor Quarry, Little King's Tor, logan stone, platelayers' hut base.  D365-(M6), N5, N6.  

2021-9-25. Dr Blackall's Drive, Dr Thomas Blackwell, Corndon Tor, Sharp Tor, Bel Tor, Stumble/Stumley Corner, Miltor Lane, slotted gateposts, Mel (Mil) Tor, rock basins, Bench (Benjy) Tor, Dart Valley, Aish Tor, Pile of Stones (modern cairn), round house (hut circle). D365-N14, O14, O15.

2021-8-25. Most photos taken on a recon walk from 23rd June 2020, during covid. Venford Reservoir, dam, PUDC /RD-H catchment area boundary stones, overflow area, subsurface coarse bubble aeration upwellings, Water Works, commemorative stones, South Bench Tor, English Stonecrop, Rowbrook Farm & Jan Coo, Rowbrook House, River Dart, Middle Bench Tor, North Bench Tor, White Wood, Pipe Track, oak coppice, charcoal burning, foxgloves, Workman's Bridge and Ford, Venford longhouse, River Swincombe inlet, triple mortar stone, mention of Venford Brook flooded tin mill. D365-O14, (P13), P14. (500)

2021-6-25. Haytor Rocks, Saddle Tor, Low Man, Haytor Upper Car Park, Haytor Main Quarry, two iron rings, crane winding gear, water lilies, tadpoles, feather and tare rock, two spikes in rock, Haytor Granite tramway, granite rail with feather and tare marks, inscribed K rail, Holwell Junction, granite "points", inscribed S rail, abandoned rail, abandoned apple crusher, ruined buildings, Holwell Quarry, quarrymen's hut, Rubble Heap Quarry. D365-K18, L18.

2021-5-25.  The Hairy Hands, Higher Cherry Brook Bridge, the original Lich Way gate, Powdermills, re-routed Lich Way, plaque, Arch Tor, the gunpowder story, Incorporation Mill ("wheelhouse"), Longaford Tor, North Chimney, South Chimney, Cylinder House / Charcoal / Saltpetre Works with a covered flue, Cherry Brook, clapper bridge, Watch House / Cartridge Press House / Store, Checking House possible office or store, Watch House / Cartridge Press House, possible Mixing House, Incorporating / Composition Mill (south) and possible Cartridge Press House (south � of N building) and possible Corning / Dusting House / Glazing Mill (north �) with wheelpits, possible Press House, Breaking House, Glazing Mill, Final Prepareation Rooms, North Chimney, Boiler / Drying House with a flue, three Incorporation Mills, Powder Magazine, Arch Tor logan stone / PC inscription and rock basins. Proving Mortar. D365-K11, L10, L11.

2021-4-12. Burrator Reservoir, Sheepstor Dam, Sheepstor growan pit, Devonport Leat, Leather Tor growan pit. D365-Q6, R6.

DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 30th July. 
2020-8-25. Dr Blackall's Drive, Corndon Tor, Sharp Tor, Bel Tor, Stumble/Stumley Corner, Miltor Lane, slotted gateposts, Mel (Mil) Tor, rock basins, Bench (Benjy) Tor, Dart Valley, Aish Tor, Pile of Rocks, round house (hut circle)  D365-N14, O14, O15.

 DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 7th July.
2020-7-25.  Crip Tor, Swell Tor, tramways, granite setts, Sailor's Home Quarry, powder store, inclined plane, Foggintor Quarry, Ingra Tor Quarry, tramway railhead loading quay, sett makers' bankers, Manager's House, Foreman's Office, Blacksmith's Shop, winch features, Engine House / Compressor House, drill testing stone, loading quay, Crushing House, railway siding, wooden sleepers, weighbridge site, London Bridge corbels, Points Shed site, buffers, King's Tor, King's Tor Quarry, Little King's Tor, logan stone, platelayers' hut base.  D365-(M6), N5, N6.

DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 23rd June. 2020-6-25. Venford Reservoir, dam, PUDC /RD-H catchment area boundary stones, overflow area, subsurface coarse bubble aeration upwellings, Water Works,   commemorative stones, South Bench Tor,  English Stonecrop, River Dart, Middle Bench Tor, North Bench Tor, White Wood, Pipe Track, oak coppice, charcoal burning, foxgloves, Workman's Bridge and Ford, Venford longhouse, River Swincombe inlet, triple mortar stone, mention of Venford Brook flooded tin mill. D365-O14, (P13), P14.

DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 29th May. 2020-5-25. Haytor Rocks, Saddle Tor, Low Man, Haytor Upper Car Park, Haytor main quarry, George Templer, two iron rings, crane winding gear, water lilies, two spikes in rock, granite tramway, Holwell Junction, granite "points", inscribed rails, Rubble Heap Junction, abandoned apple crusher, quarrymen's hut. D365-K18, L18.

DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 15th May. 2020-4-25.  The Hairy Hands, Higher Cherry Brook Bridge, the original Lich Way gate, Powdermills, re-routed Lich Way, plaque, Arch Tor, the gunpowder story, Incorporation Mill ("wheelhouse"), Longaford Tor, North Chimney, South Chimney, Cylinder House / Charcoal / Saltpetre Works with a covered flue, Cherry Brook, clapper bridge, Watch House / Cartridge Press House / Store, Checking House possible office or store, Watch House / Cartridge Press House, possible Mixing House, Incorporating / Composition Mill (south) and possible Cartridge Press House (south � of N building) and possible Corning / Dusting House / Glazing Mill (north �) with wheelpits, possible Press House, Breaking House, Glazing Mill, Final Prepareation Rooms, North Chimney, Boiler / Drying House with a flue, three Incorporation Mills, Powder Magazine, Arch Tor logan stone / PC inscription and rock basins. Proving Mortar. D365-K11, L10, L11.

DPA "Virtual" Short Walk. This group walk was cancelled because of the Coronavirus situation - this is a recon walk from 3rd March. 2020-3-25. Growan path,  Birch Tor, Ace Fields, miners' house ruins and gardens, Vitifer chimney stump, miners' dry, blacksmith's shop, Rex's Bridge, Redwater Valley, flue, turbine house, water wheelpits, Birch Tor & Vitifer Mine Leat, mine captain's house, carpenter's shop, Soussons was Southsands, Golden Dagger dry, waterfall, 6-impost clapper bridge, large wheelpit, Dinah's House (officially Stamps Cottage), engine house, buddle. D365-(I13), J13, J14. (490)

This group walk was cancelled due to bad weather - this is a recon walk.  2020-2-25. "Two Bridges Quarry Tor", Longford Tor, Littaford Tor, gateway, Crockern Tor, Stannary Parliament, Parliament Rock (cryer's seat), Bellever Tor, Beardown Tors, firing range flagpole, Devonport Leat, Higher White Tor, (Wistman's Warren), Wistman's Wood, Buller Stone, Crow Tor, West Dart River, Cowsic River, 1931 road bridge plaque, Two Bridges Hotel, 1792 turnpike road bridge, HT 94 stone, telegraph marker. D365-(K9), L9, M9.  

2020-1-25. Yennadon Cross, Lowery Cross, PCWW pillars, covered water reservoir, details about the 1823 horse-drawn tramway (Tyrwhitt's Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway) and the 1883 steam locomotive Princetown Railway, tramway granite setts, Yennadon Stone slate quarry, Iron Mine Lane and gully workings, WW2 searchlight battery, 8-impost clapper bridge, Devonport Leat, entry and exit points onto the Down for the railways, 1823 hairpin loop, cattle creep, Bronze Age hut circle, memorial bench, iron mine sett boundary stone, cycle track bridge, site of Lowery Level Crossing, signal box and crossing keeper's cottage, Lowery Cross godcake. D365-Q5, R5.

2019-12-19 - postponed until 9 January 2020. Arboretum path, Yellowmeade Gate, blocked gate, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, PCWW 1919 pillar, multiple (fourfold) stone circle, Combshead Tor, Cuckoo Rock, Down Tor, Great Mis Tor, Snappers Tor, Burrator Reservoir, Peek Hill, vermin trap, Pixies Cave, John Elford, Longstone Manor, rabbit buries, Sheepstor Warren House, Maiden Tor, rock basin, Joey's Lane Gate, corn ditch, Narrator i.e. Narrow Tor, upside down trough, Narrator Gate, WIFF stone, Narrator Farm Incised Cross. D365-Q6 (R6).

2019-11-25. Church of St. Pancras, Widecombe village sign, Lady Sylvia Sayer, Church House, The Old Inn, Glebe House, Tithe Barn, The Old Smithy, The Old Post Office, Saxon Well, The Old Rectory, Kingshead Cross, Bonehill Rocks, 1 mioL stone, alpacas, Thornhill (Thorny) Lane, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Honey fungus, Sharp Tor, Bel Tor, Bonehill Gate, Higher, Middle and Lower Bonehill, Time Capsule 2,000, lych gate and coffin stone, Olive Katharine Parr / Beatrice Chase grave marker, Churchyard Cross, Elford tablet, Tucker Stone, Roger Hill ledger stone, Sexton's Cottage Shop. D365-K16, L16.

2019-11-1 (delayed from 2019-10-25 by weather). Magpie Railway Viaduct, mine shaft, access gates, hazel nuts, Drake's Trail, hazel catkins, railway sand box, Screw Bridge, Gem Bridge (Walkham aka Grenofen Viaduct), picnic area, information board, pier capstones, Route 27 Sustrans cycle route, Gem Cottage, Bedford Bridge, Magpie Bridge, King's Arms Inn, Magpie Inn, spoil tip, clay pit, West Devon Brick Works, Wheal Franco Mine. D365-P2.

2019-9-30. Bedford Bridge (aka Magpie Bridge), River Walkham, West Devon Brick Works, Wheal Franco Mine, buddleia, disused leat, (Little) Gem Mine / West Devon Consols Mine / Devon Poldice Mine, Dartmoor Way, Gen Bridge (site of former Grenofen Viaduct), Tavistock & South Devon Railway 1859, old building, buddles, fish ladder, Grenofen Bridge, Lady Bertha Mine leat, Walkham United Mine, The Sticklepath, Gem Cottage. This was a recon walk that found the riverside route was difficult.

2019-9-25. Cold East Cross (formerly Ham Hill Cross), Teign estuary, parish (and manor) boundary stones incised with A (Ashburton), B (Buckland) and EPB - Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Lord of the Manor of Buckland in the Moor, English Channel, sheep creep, Buckland Beacon and the Ten Commandments Stones, Jubilee Stone, parish boundary stones, Welstor aka Well's Tor, Welstor Rock, Welstor Common rifle range, quarry, bullet-stop, maidenhair spleenwort, 200, 500 and 600-yard markers. D365-N17

2019-8-25. Rowtor, West Mill Tor, abandoned cider press (mention of), swing-up / swind-down flagpole, abandoned trough, anti-tank range, steel plate target, target railway, engine shed, turning loops, military road, O-P-B stone, New Bridge, Black-a-ven Brook, OP 22 (Observation Post), Higher Tor, Winter Tor, Yes Tor, Hart Tor, L stone (Lydford parish boundary stone).   

2019-7-25.  Princetown, Plume of Feathers, Fox Tor Cafe, 1908 drinking fountain no. 1, cattle crusher (former Dousland GWR level crossing gate), HM Prison, Devonport Leat, Bachelors Hall, Blackbrook River, Bullpark, Conchie Road, Blakey Tor, Crock of Gold cairn circle and cist, pineapple weed, Prince of Wales public house, 1908 drinking fountain no. 2.

2019-6-25. Drakeford Bridge, Pullabrook Wood, Douglas fir cones, Woodland Trust,  Pudding Stone, benchmark, Lustleigh Parish 2000 boundary stone, Hisley Bridge, slotted gate post, pair granite gateposts, Holly Blue butterflies, River Bovey, Hisley Wood, flood plain, Violet Oil Beetle, Rudge Wood, Packsaddle Bridge, 1684 inscribed stone.  (480)

2019-5-18. Adit, foot bridges, West Okement River, two wheelpits, finger dumps, reservoir sluice, Meldon Pool, weighbridge  buildings (2), kiln (west), Meldon Viaduct, woods, kiln (east), turbine house, magazine, aplite quarries, Meldon Dam & Reservoir, surveyors pillars.  

2019-4-25.  Warren House Inn, WB stone - Headland Warren Bound stone, green track, gerts of Water Hill (aka King's Oven) tin mine, shaft, V stones, old building, King's Oven pound, abandoned millstone, Pixie Path, Hurston Ridge stone rows, burial cairn, paired stones, blocking stone, Water Hill cairn, Arthur's Seat, gert behind Warren House Inn, site of Bawden's Bungalow, telegraph marker.

2019-3-25. Hound Tor, Swallerton Gate, Swallerton Gate (Swine Path) Cross, granite trough, Jay's Grave, Crippon Rock, large crystals in granite, Cripdon Down, Cripdon Tor, logan stone, ladder stile, Blissmoor longhouse, Hayne Down Rocks, Bowerman's Nose, Moyle's Gate.

2019-2-25. Yellowmeade Farm sign, Mission Hall ruins, leat, Red Cottages, drill stone no. 1, Yellowmeade, split stone, Cake Stone, "sett makers' banker" site, Foggintor Quarry, TA stone gate post, King's Tor or Great King Tor, grooved setts, Eva's or Hill Farm, Wesleyan Chapel, Hill Cottages, lintel, Swell Tor, Big Tip, Manager's house, stables, crane base, "WS 1903" inscription, Royal Marines' rope anchor points, Smithy building, double sett makers' bankers, loading dock, Royal Oak aka Gibbs Cottage, King's Tor, archway, drill stone no. 2, round house (hut circle), explosives store, West Mead Quarry.

2019-1-25. This walk encompasses four 19th Century industries - china clay, brick-making, iron mining and granite quarrying: Shaugh Bridge china clay drying sheds, River Plym, Shaugh Bridge, 2010 footbridge, River Meavy, Smithy, Ferro-Ceramic Mine (aka Dewerstone Iron Mine) adit and shaft, drill test stone, rough-paved path, tramway end, Quarry 1, tramway nail in granite sett, The Pixie (Pixie Rock,The Puckie Stone), Quarry 2, Quarry 3 + crane base, Quarry 4, inclined plane, winding house, Quarry 5, abandoned dressed block, Quarry 6 + crane base, waste tip, Quarry 7 + crane base, waste tip, Dewerstone Cottage, Blacklands Brook Falls, Meavy riverside path, grilled adit, exposed tree bole, Shaugh Brick Works, Brogden-Caspar Tunnel Kiln, waterwheel pit, river confluence.

2018-12-13. Devonport leat, clapper bridge, leat monitoring station, Cross Gate cist, tinners' fougou, Leathertor Farm, potato cave, River Meavy, Leather Tor Bridge, ancient ford, Riddipit Steps stepping stones, Riddipit Farm longhouse, Riddipit Tin Mill, 2nd potato cave - with luminous moss, mortar stone, adit, Riddipit Gert, Keaglesborough Mine, lower and upper dressing floors, wheel pits, leat bank, feathers & tare stone.  

2018-11-25. Bra / Brai / Bray / Brat / Broad / Widgery Tor, Arms Tor, Widgery Cross, large building or enclosure, River Lyd ford, stepping stones, footbridge, Black Rock, Black Pool or Hunter's Pool, Capt. Hunter Memorial Plaque 1918, Wheal Mary Emma tin mine, Doe Tor Falls, Doetor Farm, millstone, abandoned trough, possible cider press edge runner. 

2018-10-25. Sharpitor, Leather Tor, cairn and cist, Stenlake Road, claapper bridge, Devonport Leat, Stanlake farm, Stean Lake stream, doll's head, Iron Bridge Aqueduct, River Meavy, Raddick Hill, Hart Tor Brook, crazing mill stone, Black Tor Falls waterfall, ruins of two tin mills, mortar stones, Cramber Tor, Black Tor Ford, capped boreholes, double stone row with tinners' gully, Hart Tor, Black Tor, logan stone, blocking stone, double stone row half-buried in newtake corn ditch wall, bench mark, terminal cairns. 

2018-9-25. Pork Hill car park, Cocks Hill, Cox Tor, escarpments, dolerite, Cox Tor, triangulation pillar, cairns, Reep's Tor / Little Cox Tor, Coxtor Farm, Mary Tavy Church, Brentor Church, thufurs, Roos (Rolls) Tor, Great Mis Tor, Great Staple Tor, Beckamoor Pool, Middle Staple Tor, Quarrymen's Path, PW stone / Flat Rock / Black Rock. RB boundary stones.   

2018-7-26. Burrator Reservoir in drought conditions, dried-up reservoir, sheep, submerged bridge, tinners' mouldstone, gatepost, granite troughs/kieves, socket stone (for a cross or a gate?), Longstone Manor, Essworthy, cider mill, wind strew.  (470)

2018-6-25. Cadover Bridge car park, River Plym, Cadover (Cadworthy) Bridge,Cadover Cross, Cad-a-ford, cairn cist, Cadworthy Tor, Dewerstone Rock, Neolithic double-walled structure, Bronze Age single-walled enclosure, hut circle, Dewerstone Hill, plaque, rock inscriptions, L stone (Lopes boundary), summit cairns, BA stone(s), Common cotton grass, kerbed cairn, old china clay lakes, Dartmoor ponies, Hare's-tail cotton grass, C (County) stone.

2018-5-25. Pork Hill car park, Cox Tor, Barn Hill, cist, Windy Post, bench mark(?), Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, double bullseye stone, Feather Tor, leat crossing places, tongue & groove stone, Pew Tor, dew pond, stone workers' boundary markers (1847 & 1896 versions), SS/P Sampford Spiney Parish boundary pillars, Heckwood Tor, Heckwood Tor Quarry, Plymouth Breakwater blocks, Little Staple Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor, Vixen Tor, Great Mis Tor, Blacksmith's Shop, Wheelwright's Stone, clapper bridge, leat aqueduct over Beckamoor Brook, car park view display.

2018-4-25. Swallerton Gate, Swallerton Gate Cross, Hound Tor, Houndtor Down, cairn circle and cist, Houndtor Pool, Haytor, Saddle Tor,  Incised "I" stone (Ilsington Manor), pair of slotted gateposts, Holwell Lawn, Holwell Lawn Farmstead, Holwell Lawn Cott, Grea Tor (Greator Rocks), deserted Medieval village.

2018-4-21.  Disused track of the Omen Beam Peat Tramway / Naphtha Railway, The Touch Stone, Blacka Brook, clapper bridges, dry-stone walling, iron tramway rails, Prison Leat, Fice's Well.

2018-3-25. Four Winds, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor Cross, prison land corner, DCP - Directors of Convict Prisons stone, Forest of Dartmoor boundary stone, Mis Tor Pan, Range huts, Mrs. Bray. Sugar Lump Pile, WW2 slit trenches(?), hut circles, Over Tor Gert, rabbit buries, Church Rock, Over Tor, "Mrs Bray's Washhand Basin", round house hut circles, 1802 house/garden ruins, 1972 DOE Ancient Monument concrete marker. 

2018-2-25.  Kraps Ring Bronze Age enclosure, round house hut circles, ring cairns, cists, stone rows, Lich / Lych Way, marker stones, Bellever Tor / Bellaford Tor (an avenue tor), triangulation pillar.  

2018-2-12. HMP Dartmoor, water reservoir, prison gate and bell, prison dairy yard, Prison Leat features, Herne Hole - prison quarry entrance, blocked gateway.

2018-1-25. Norsworthy Bridge, Middleworth, Deancombe, Cuckoo Rock, Combshead Tor, Down Tor (Hingston Hill) stone row, circle & cist,  Down Tor, Little Down Tor, Snappers Tor, Middleworth and Little Middleworth Tors.

2017-12-11. Plymouth Leat (aka Drake's Leat), Sheep's Tor, parish boundary stone, Crymes' Leat, Roborough Common, old quarry dumps, Shaugh Prior, Bronze Age enclosure with hut circles (distant), cycle track (on old SD&TR and GWR railway line), Shaugh Bridge Platform, Wheal Lopes Leat, Leighbeer Tunnel, Bickleigh Vale Phoenix Mine, cycle track signs, Golden-scaled Male Fern (Dryopteris affinis), Clearbrook.

2017-11-25. Yellowmeade Track car park, Foggintor Mission Hall, leat to Red Cottages and beyond, Great Mis Tor, Old Pump House, Hill 60 Quarry, Hollow Tor Quarry, Rundlestone Tor, rock pans, loading ramp?, Four Winds car park, TV transmitting station, North Hessary Tor, trig. pillar, prison boundary stone, DCP boundary stone, PCWW 1917 water catchment boundary mark, mystery "TOR" mark, Albert Cole's granite shed and quarry, tramway bed, TA stone gatepost, Cake stone, Bronze Age enclosure and hut circles, explosives store, West Mead Quarry, Red Cottages.  (460)

2017-10-25. Sharpitor, cist, stone row, Goadstone Pool, Golden Plover, RAF Sharpitor, approach road kerbstones, old stone pits?, Peek Hill, Cold War undergound bunker, Bronze Age cairn, Leather Tor, Burrator Reservoir, Lowery Tor, Lowery Barn, medieval longhouse, Bronze Age enclosure, DPA boundary stones, Walkhampton Common Reave. 

2017-10-12. Fernworthy Forest, Grey Wethers stone circles, Sittaford Tor, Sittaford Circle, clapper bridge, Starkey Memorial Stone, Manga Farm, Marine Memorial Stone.

2017-9-25. Grenofen Bridge, gate piers, gate hanger, River Walkham, leat, quarry entrance, retaining wall, sett maker's banker, elvan, slate, unknown rock, dikes, ruined building, Westdown Mine chimney and building, waterfall, tin stream-works, ore processing complex, chute, flue and square base, (flue tower), West Down.

2017-8-25. Middleworthy Gate, step stile, Middleworthy Lane, Leather Tor, Middleworthy, barn, ML 1885 date stone, Snappers Tor, Deancombe Lane, Down Tor, West Deancombe, East Deancombe, bearded lichen, staddle stones, Cuckoo Rock, Deancombe Brook and Ford, Outholme Bronze Age cist, ridge and furrow field, Outcombe Corner, Roughtor Plantation, East Rough Tor, Rough Tor, Middle Rough Tor.

2017-7-25. Rees Jeffreys car park, Longford Leat, Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, Merrivale Quarry (=Tor Quarry), Little Staple Tor, rock pan, Middle Staple Tor, Quarrymen's Path, Great Staple Tor, Great Steeple Tor, PW boundary stone, Duke of Bedford stones and markers, Roos Tor, firing range flagpole, Great Mis Tor, Cox Tor, Cock's Tor, Fur Tor, quartz country rock, sett makers' bankers, "shaker".

2017-7-13. Rees-Jeffreys car park, Longford Leat, 3-impost clapper bridge, explosives store, Merrivale Quarry, sett makers' bankers, Great Staple Tor, rock steeples, rock piles.

2017-6-26. The Commandments Stones at Buckland Beacon.

2017-6-25. RAF Harrowbeer, Roborough Rock, Allan Williams gun turret base, South Roborough Down Mine, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee drinking fountain,  monument, mine-worked ground, Devonport Leat, Drake's Plymouth Leat, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway, granite setts and a tram-way rail, Sheep's Tor, foxgloves, Red campion, piglets, kissing gates, tunnels, adit, Yeoland Consols Mine, Mabor Wood, 13-mile post on the old tramway. 

2017-5-25.  Sharpitor, Walkhampton Common Reave, hut circles, Leeden Tor, Dartmoor ponies, Great Western Reave, Ingra Tor cist, Ingra Tor, quarry, crane bases, Ingra Tor Halt, cattle "creep" bridge, bluebells, Pew Tor, Babyland (Medieval longhouse?), Routrundle, Bronze Age pounds, benchmark.

2017-4-25. Burrator Higher Quarry car park, quarry SSSI details, GWR Princetown railway track bed, Burrator & Sheepstor Halt station, kissing gates, Burrator Reservoir, dam, memorial benches, Water post, pump house, Devonport Leat, sluice, benchmark on ruins of Mullicraft Cottage, Lowery Tank, Lower Lowery barn, lakeside view, Burrator Discovery Centre, waterfall, Click Tor.  (450)

2017-5-4. In search of the Walkhampton poetry plaques, PCWW pillar, cycle track bridge, bluebells, early purple orchid, Walkhampton chuch, Walkhampton Church House Cross, Yennadon Cross.

2016-3-25.  North Roborough Down Tin Mine, gert, cycle track, The Old Station, memorial benches, pony eating gorse, RAF Harrowbeer features, bomb ramps, signals square, control tower, compass platform, pill boxes, rifle defence trench.

2017-3-17. Hut circles, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Leeden Tor, Hart Tor, Black Tor, cist, Ingra Tor, quarry, crane bases, tramway granite setts.

2017-2-25. Abandoned crazing mill stone, hut circles, two double stone rows, blocking stones, Bronze Age solar calendar, cists, cairns, near-midwinter solstice sunset, stone circle, menhir, Long Ash Pits, TA Packhorse Track marker stones, Long Ash Leat, Four Winds - site of Foggintor School.

2017-1-25. Bal Mine, Norsworthy Bridge, County stone, Drill testing stone, Norsworthy Farm, 1841 stone, Norsworthy tinners' stamping mill, fougou, Leathertor Bridge, Riddipit Steps and ford, Riddipit Gert and adit, Keaglesborough Mine, wheel pits, Raddick Lane, Crazywell Pool, Crazywell Cross, abandoned mill stone, Roundypark Farm, broken mortar stone, feather and tares stone.

2016-12-1. Apple crusher, Merrivale double stone rows, cairn. cists, menhir, GWR, PDR, stile, clay works boundary stone, Huckentor Farm medieval longhouse.

2016-11-.3 Two Bridges underground tor, Crockern Tor, Judge's Chair, magic mushrooms, Littaford Tors, Longaford Tor, Higher White Tor, Devonport Leat, West River Dart, ruins?, site of Wistman's Warren House, Wistman's Wood, Buller stone.

2016-10-25. A DPA event at Burrator Discovery Centre, followed by a 2-hour, 3-mile walk - Princetown railway track bed, Burrator dam and reservoir, Sheep's Tor,  Devonport Leat, Honey Fungus,  Sulphur Tuft fungi, sluice, clapper bridge, Lowery Barn, ruins of Lowery Farm, Cross Gate Cross, cormorant, artistic mask on tree. 

2016-10-13: Fernworthy Reservoir, Fernworthy Dam, Fernworthy Farm, Fernworthy Bridge, cist, clapper bridge, rhos pasture, rowan, Froggymead Hill stone circle and stone rows, Thornworthy Tor.

2016-9-22. Norsworthy Bridge car park, Bal Mine wheel pit, West Deancombe, East Deancombe, Combeshead Farm, Cuckoo Rock, potato cave, cave,  Outholme Gate, Outholme Farm, blowing house. (440)

2016-9-15. Longstone Leat, Scout Hut, Pond Water-crowfoot, 1919 PCWW boundary stone, Yellowmead Down fourfold stone circle, gateway, corn ditch, Eylesbarrow Mine blowing house, covered flue, Dartmoor ponies.

2016-9-7: Newleycombe blowing house, Classiwell Farm, Newleycombe Farm, Crazywell Cross, Crazy Well Pool.

2016-8-26.  Rees Jeffreys car park, Grimstone and Sortridge Leat, clapper bridges, Vixen Tor, aqueduct, cairns, wheelwright's stone, blacksmith's shop, Barn Hill. cists, Beckamoor Cross / Windypost, Middle Staple Tor, Great Mis Tor, cider press, Feather Tor, trough, Heckwood Quarry, parish boundary stones, Saddle Rock.

2016-7-20. Burrator Upper Quarry car park, kissing gates, Burrator Halt station, Burrator Dam, memorial benches, Sheep's Tor, Devonport Leat, Dartmoor pony, Peek's Hill Bridge, Dousland Reservoir, Yennadon Quarry.

2016-6-30. Round or Roundy Hill, millstone, Roundypark Farm.

2016-6-23. Norsworthy Bridge, Norsworthy blowing house, mold stone, mortar stone, Leathertor Bridge, Leather Tor, Riddipit Steps, wheel pits, Keaglesborough Mine, Raddick Lane. gate, Crazywell Pool, Devonport Leat, clapper bridge, Cramber Tor, Cramber Pool, Fox Moth caterpillar, Cramber trig pillar, tinners' trial pit, Newleycombe Cross, Crazywell Cross, Roundypark Farm, feather and tares stone.

2016-6-2. Holming Beam car park, Beardown Tors, Longaford Tor, observation hut, Crow Tor, Rough Tor, Devil's Tor, Beardown Man menhir, Conies Down Tor.

2016-5-26. Pipe Track, bluebells, slow worm, Dewerstone, inspection pits, china clay storage tank, River Plym, iron mine, Dewerstone Hill, Cadworthy Tor, cairn cist, Cadover Cross, Cadover Bridge.

2016-5-24. New-found tors in Roughtor Plantation at Burrator: West Rough Tor, Lower West Rough Tor, Great Rough Tor, Lower Rough Tor, Great Great Rough Tor, Rough Tor Rock, Middle Rough Tor, Rough Tor (the original), East Rough Tor. (430)

2016-5-18.  Cadover Bridge, River Plym, Pipe Track, pipeline, North Wood, bluebells, West Down, corn ditch, hut circle.

2016-5-15.  Chubb Tor.

2016-3-31. Sheeps Tor, Narrator, PCWW 1919 pillars, Cuckoo Rock, Down Tor, Great Mis Tor, Combeshead Tor, Cumulus radiatus, Gutter Tor, Leather Tor, Higher Rough Tor, Lower Rough Tor.

2016-3-23. Fernworthy Forest, Froggymead stone circle etc, blowing house, Teignhead Farm, Manga Farm, Starkey Memorial Stone, Royal Marine Memorial Stone.

2016-3-17. Pew Tor (Pu Tor), 1847 and 1896 markers, Pew Tor Quarry.

2016-2-10. 12 miles stone, Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, Reddicliffe Farm, WB / SB parish boundary stones, waste pipe, beech trees.

2016-2-3. Two Bridges, buried tor, Littaford Tors, Longaford Tor, Crockern Tor, Muddilake Brook, Beardown Tors, Devonport Leat, Wistman's Wood, Crow Tor.

2016-1-27. Grenofen Bridge, River Walkham, salmon ladder, leat headweir, buddles, Walkham United Mine ruins, Gem Bridge, gorse blossom, moss fruiting bodies, oak tree, Dartmoor ponies, memorial bench, bracket fungus.River Walkham, salmon ladder, leat headweir, buddles, Walkham United Mine ruins, Gem Bridge, gorse blossom, moss fruiting bodies, oak tree, Dartmoor ponies, memorial bench, bracket fungus

2016-1-20. Arms Tor, Brat Tor, Widgery Cross, River Lyd, footbridge, stepping stones, Doe Tor, Brentor Church, Doetor Farm, tinners' pits, Black Rock, Capt. Hunter's memorial plaque.

2016-1-13. Cadover Bridge, Cadover Cross, River Plym, cairns, pool, reave, boundary stone, Cadworthy Tor, hut circle, Dewerstone Hill, inscriptions, Plessey factory, cairn cist, replica flint knife. (420)

2015-10-22. Drakeford Bridge, River Bovey, autumn colours, ancient oak stump, loggers camp, Hisley Bridge, Pudding Stone, benchmark, slotted gatepost, Trendlebere Common, Lustleigh, Himalayan balsam.

2015-10-13. Yennadon Crags / Click Tor, Burrator Dam, Sheeps Tor, Leather Tor, Down Tor, Devonport Leat, sluice, cairn and cist, Cross Gate Cross, beech tree, Lowery Barn, Burrator and Sheepstor Halt.

2015-10-7. Fernworthy Forest, Sittaford Tor, Grey Wethers stone circles, Sittaford Circle.

2015-9-30. Ringaston ring cairn, Sitka spruce, common heather, deer slots, thistles, Golden Dagger Tin Mine "dry", yarrow, teasel, common mullein, Redwater Brook, wheel pit, Dinah's House, concrete plinths, buddle, bees, Konrad Lorenz, lynchets, fly agaric.

2015-9-16. Beatland Cross socket stone, WWII gun emplacement, RAF Hawks Tor, GEE system, Laira Bridge, Hawks Tor, H post, stonecrop, rockpan, wedge and groove marks, Bronze Age settlement, Shaugh Cross.

2015-9-10. Higher Uppacott longhouse, built circa 650 years ago

2015-9-9. Plaster / Plaister Down, Sampford Spiney parish boundary stones, Devil's coach horse beetle, Sharpitor, North Hessary Tor, Sampford Tor, Heckwood Quarry, Vixen Tor, Saddle Rock, Cloven Saddle Rock, Windy Post, Pew Tor.

2015-9-2. Tolchmoor Gate, holed stone, Crownhill Tor, Lee Moor China Clay Works, Ridding Down, lowland heath, Drakelands Tungsten Mine, snake skin, Broomage Farm.

2015-8-12.  Dartmoor ponies, Little Mis Tor, Forest of Dartmoor bound stone, Great Mis Tor, rabbit bury, Over Tor Gert, Over Tor (Church Rock), Merrivale Warren, Merrivale Quarry, stone rows.

2015-8-6. Four Winds car park, King's Tor, logan stone, Swell Tor Quarry, corbels, smithy, Merrivale Longstone, cairn, stone circle, double stone rows, cists. (410)   

2015-7-29. Magpie Viaduct, buddleia, Cycle Route 27, Himalayan honeysuckle, Brentor, Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor, Great Mis Tor, Pew Tor, Screw Bridge, Gem Bridge, River Walkham, Wheal Franco Mine. KR35 (led last walk)  

2015-7-23. Pillow mound, Ditsworthy Warren House, ferret kennel, slit window, dog kennels, Kennel Court, cists, Drizzlecombe stone rows, Giant's Basin cairn, terminal cairns, Drizzle, Lonstone Leat, windstrew, longhouse.

2015-7-22.  Hut circles, sundew, bog asphodel, cross-leaved heath/bog heather, bell heather, common heather/ling, wedge and groove method, feather and tare method, Castle Drogo, Shapley Tor, Hookney Tor, mining reservoir, West Coombe Farm, haymeadows, Leapra Cross, pyramid orchid.

2015-7-15. Gutter Tor, Gutter Tor (or Ditsworthy) Gert, Ditsworthy Warren House, the Big Shed, dog kennels, covered leat, cists, menhirs, stone rows, terminal cairns, the Drizzle, Longstone Leat, Scout Hut.

2015-7-8. Dartmoor Brewery, Meavy Head, GWR track bridges, water drainage channels, North Hessary Tor TV mast, Dartmoor ponies, hut circles, cotton grass, Foggintor Quarry, Eva's Farm. Hill Cottages, Manager's House, Big Tip, Stables, Gibb's Cottage, Smithy and Princetown Smithy.  KR34

2015-7-1. Prewley Moor ice works, Sourton Tors, triangulation pillar, thufurs (correct), pony, Meldon Reservoir, Lake Viaduct, So/B boundary stone, long boundary ditch, dew pond, apple crusher, Greep Quarry, cotton grass, Water Treatment Works. KR33 

2015-6-24. Heath spotted orchid, Sheepstor, Peekhill, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Drake's Leat, Crymes' Leat, decoy airfield, Tormentil, Lousewort, Heath speedwell, Convolvulus, Red campion, Shaugh Prior, Sustrans cycle track No. 27, Leighbeer Tunnel, Wheal Lopes Leat and Aqueduct, way marker, Skylark Inn.

2015-6-17. Drakeford Bridge, inscribed stone, River Bovey, old oak tree stump, Oil beetle, Dor beetle, memorial bench, Packhorse (or Hisley) Bridge, wood ants, broom seed pods and flower, honeysuckle, ash house, Lustleigh church, The Cleave public house, Russian comfrey. 

2015-6-10. Shaugh Bridge China Clay Drying Works, River Plym, River Meavy, river confluence, Shaugh Bridge, Shaugh Brick Works, Dewerstone Iron Mine, tunnel kiln, adit, Pixie Rock, Dewerstone Cottage, foxglove, railway embankments, Appaloosa pony, inclined plane, winding house, granite quarry features.

2015-6-8. Little Little Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Great Mis Tor. (400)

2015-6-3. Fernworthy Forest, hut circles, slotted gatepost, Lowton Brook West settlement, Assycombe stone rows, cairn, cist, Assycombe Brook settlement, Asacombe Farm, Sitka spruce cones. KR+32 

2015-5-20. Fitz's or Fice's Well, Lower Halstock, East Hill, triangulation pillar, Oaklands, WW2 searchlight, Belstone Tor, Cosdon Hill, Yes Tor, East Mill Tor, bluebells, clapper bridge, Moor Brook, Halstock Cleave, waterfall, West Cleave Rocks, Ashbury Tor, Roman Chair, Iron Age hill fort, Shetland ponies. (Walk repeated on 2015-5-21). 397 & 398.

2015-5-13. Oak catkins, oak apples, gorse blossom, violet, Yeo Farm, ladder stile, bluebells, step stile, Burrator House, Portland Lane, Sheepstor (St. Leonard's) Church, village cross, churchyard cross, war memorial, Rajahs of Sarawak, bull ring, St. Leonard's Holy Well. KR+30  

2015-4-29. Sharpitor, Leather Tor, cist, stone row, Goatstone Pool, RAF Sharpitor, Peek Hill, cairn, Burrator Reservoir, Lowery Tor, reaves, DPA boundary stones. KR+30 

2015-4-22. Drilled stone, hut circle, Butter Brook, blowing house, Tor Rocks Quarry, 2nd quarry, Puffing Billy Track, Hangershell Rock, Butterdon Rifle Range 700-yard marker stone. Also, Spurrell's Cross, observation pits and rifle range butts (firing points) seen on the "recce". KR29 

2015-4-16. Hut circle, Butter Brook, blowing house, Tor Rocks Quarry, 2nd quarry, Puffing Billy Track, Western Beacon, cairns, Black Pool, Longstone, Butterdon Hill.  

2015-4-15. Four Winds, King's Tor, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Dartmoor Pixie's Cave, Sugar Lump Pile. KR28 

2015-4-1. "Walk of a thousand stiles", Mary Tavy Inn, Victorian letter box, St. Mary's Church, William Crossing's grave, step stile, miners' dry, Smeardon Down, Bennett's Reservoir, Gibbet Hill, Jubilee Walk.  KR27

2015-3-25. Steps Bridge, River Teign, Dunsford Woods, weir, leat, riverside paths, hazel catkins, wild daffodils, robin, blue tit, dipper, mallards, snowdrops, iron mill.  KR26 (390)

2015-3-18. Grenofen Bridge, River Walkham, blue elvan quarry, sett makers' bankers, West Down mine chimney and ruins, kiln, Buckator, country rock (slate), West Down. KR25

2015-3-11. Two Crosses Stone, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Haytor Rocks, Wind Tor, Rippon Tor, Saddle Tor, mole hills, Drywells Cross, Dockwell, Hutholes medieval village, Corndon Tor. KR24

2015-3-5. Brat Tor, Sharp Tor, Hare Tor, Ger Tor, Wheal Jewell Reservoir, Wheal Betsy Mine. KR23

2015-2-25. Burrator Upper Quarry, Sheep's Tor, Yennadon Crags / Click Tor, Burrator Halt, Leather Tor, memorial benches, dam, waterfall, Devonport Leat, Burrator Heritage Centre, Wembley Walk, Lowery Barn, sett makers' bankers. KR22

2015-2-18. Scuffler, Higher Godsworthy, Black Tor, White Tor, Brent Tor & church, Great Combe Tor, Peter Tavy Church, swimming pool, Colly Brook bridge, Little Combe Tor, ram, Boulters Tor, Setters Tor, Great Mis Tor, Great Staple Tor, Cox Tor, Wedlake, gorse blossom, pitted stone, P stone.  KR21

2015-2-11. RAF Harrowbeer, Roborough Rock, Allan Williams turret, drinking fountain, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee monument, Devonport Leat, Plymouth Leat, Sheepstor, kissing gates, Elford Town Farm, Yeoland Consols Mine, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tramway. KR20

2015-2-4. "Two Bridges Tor", West Dart River, Wistman's Wood, Longaford Tor, Littaford Tors, Crockern Farm, robin, Crow Tor, Beardown Tors, Devonport Leat. KR19

2015-1-21. Two Crosses Stone, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Haytor Rocks, Wind Tor, Rippon Tor, Saddle Tor, mole hills, Drywells Cross, Dockwell, Hutholes medieval village, Corndon Tor. KR18

2015-1-14. Dartmoor ponies, frozen cycle track, lumpy ground, Cox or, Great Staple Tor, Great Mis Tor, benches, memorial plaques, bomb handling ramps, building bases, signal square, compass platform. KR17

2015-1-7. River Plym, Cadover Bridge, Cadover Cross, cist, Dartmoor ponies, Cadworthy Tor, The Dewer Stone, Dewerstone Rocks, inscriptions, large hut circle, Wigford Down longhouses (x2), summit cairns, pond, Hen Tor, Trowlesworthy Tor. Mount Batten, Fort Stamford. KR16  (380)

2014-12-10. Long Ash car park, Middle and Great Staple Tors, Great Mis Tor, Pew Tor, bench, hawthorn, ponies, Brent Tor church, Iron Age Castle Field, Berra Tor, Orange Peel Fungus. KR15

2014-12-3. Burrator Arboretum, dead tree, Sheep's Tor, Narra Tor, PCWW pillar, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Snappers Tor, Down Tor, Burrator Resrvoir, Pixies Cave, Dartmoor ponies, rabbit bury, Sheepstor Warren House remains, Maiden Tor, corn ditch wall. KR14

2014-11-20.  Postbridge Stores, clapper bridge, East Dart, The Sheepfold, Beehive Hut, red toadstools.

2014-11-19. Hound Tor, cairn and cist, dousing, Haytor Rocks, dew pond, Greator Rocks, enclosure, horse jumps, abandoned house, Chinkwell Tor, Rippon Tor, Fox moth caterpillar, medieval village. KR13

2014-11-12. Leather Tor, Sharpitor, hut circles, Princetown, Hart Tor, Black Tor, Leeden Tor, Criptor, cist, Ingra Tor, quarry, crane bases, Ingra Tor Halt, Sweltor Quarry, King's Tor Quarry, Pew Tor, Routrundle. KR12

2014-11-5. Plume of Feathers, Fox Tor Cafe, drinking fountain, cattle crusher, HM Prison, Devonport Leat, Bullpark, Conchies Road, Longaford Tor, Higher White Tor, Bellever Tor, Blakey Tor, cists, Crock of Gold, dung fungi, pineapple weed, fly agaric, Duchy Hotel. KR11

2014-10-29. Grenofen, River Walkham, blue elvan quarry, West Down mine chimney and ruins, kiln, Buckator, country rock (slate), West Down. KR10 

2014-10-22. Norsworthy car park, Bal mine whim stone, Middleworth Farm, Deancombe Farm, Combeshead Farm, potato cave, Combeshead Tor, Hingston Hill stone circle and cist, Down Tor cist, hut circles. KR9

2014-10-15. Ringmoor Cottage car park, longhouses, corn ditch wall, Legis Tor, vermin trap, Legis Lake ford and stepping stones, cist, Ringmoor Down circle and stone row. KR8

2014-10-2. Bagga Tor car park, military huts, small cairn, Ring Rock, Amicombe Brook, Fur Tor Brook, River Tavy, Fur Tor.   (370) 

2014-10-1. Burrator Upper Quarry, Drake's Plymouth Leat, cobwebs, grey squirrel, explosives stores (x4), Burrator Dam, commemorative plaques, Burra Tor, anchorage points, Sheepstor Dam, ducks, memorial benches, Longstone Manor, KR7

2014-9-25. Combestone Tor, clapper bridges, Dartmeet, Sharp Tor, Luckey Tor, rock exposure, River Dart, Yar Tor, Mel Tor, Bench Tor, Venford Dam, dead tree, Dartmoor pony.

2014-9-24. Bedford Bridge, clay pit, brick works, Wheal Franco copper mine, common polypody fern, Screw Bridge, Sustrans "27" cycle route, oak, bird cherry, hawthorn, Brentor, Gem Cottage, benches, bracket fungus, sloes, oak apples, Himalayan honeysuckle, Horrabridge poster, Magpie Viaduct, bind weed, red admiral, ponies. KR6

2014-9-17.  Heather, Western gorse, CB stone, Ephraim's Pinch, hemp agrimony, honey bee, scaly male fern, butterbur, Clitocyboid mushroom. Sousson's Farm, Challacombe Down, lynchets, hard fern, haircap moss, Golden Dagger 'dry', gorse flower, bramble flowers, Red Barrows. Ringastan ring cairn and cist. KR5

2014-9-4. Dor beetle, Birch Tor & Vitifer mine, Golden Dagger mine, gerts, lodes, sallow, Redwater Brook, wheelpit, elder, Birch Tor, teasle, miners' dry, buddle, bee hives, Dinah's House, lynchets, robin, leat, Warren House Inn, aqueduct embankment, heather.

2014-9-3. Stanlake Plantation, Devonport Leat, Stanlake Farm, Stanlake Settlement, doll's head, Raddick Hill, Iron bridge, Aqueduct, River Meavy, Hart Tor Brook, Black Tor Waterfall, blowing houses, mortar stone, Black Tor, double stone row, cornditch wall, cist. KR4 - start leading group walks temporarily 

2014-8-7. Little Staple Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor, Great Mis Tor, Shillaford Farm, Cox Tor, Walkhampton / Peter Tavy parish boundary stone, Duke of Bedford marker stones, Roos Tor, Fur Tor, sett maker's banker, explosives store.

2014-7-24. Burrator, with Anna and Chloe

2014-7-9. Ace of Diamonds enclosure,  gert, Warren House Inn, Birch Tor, Sousson's Plantation, Chaw Gulley, bell heather, Challacombe stone rows, Headland Warren Farm, Grimspound, Buckland Beacon, Redwater Brook, buddle, Golden Dagger Mine, wild strawberry, bog asphodel, Vitifer Mine, Birch Tor Mine.

2014-7-6. Burrator Discovery Centre opening day. (360)

2014-6-21. Starting on the East Dart River bank and it's alluvial (less acid) soil followed by private Postbridge hay meadows belonging to Beechwood B&B.

2014-6-12. New Waste car park, old water works buildings, large Bronze Age settlement, crows, PRDC marker post, Piles Copse, Heath bedstraw, finger dumps, Downing's House, River Erme, weir, blowing house, Hare's-tail cotton grass, rain gauge, round house, enclosure, Hillson's House, Stalldown stone

2014-6-11.  Rees Jefferys car park, plaque, Little Mis Tor, crottle (lichen), frog, Middle Staple Tor, Quarrymans' Path, Great Staple Tor, Roos Tor, logan stone, flag pole, Fur Tor, Great Mis Tor, Duke of Bedford marker stones, triangulation pillar, sett makers' bankers, Merrivale Quarry, Duke's Folly, explosives store, milestone, cotton grass, Grimstone & Sortridge Leat.

2014-6-4. Burrator Reservoir, Wembley Walk.

2014-5-29. Meldon Reservoir, hawthorn, beech, adit, footbridges, Meldon Pool, limestone, Meldon Viaduct, weighbridge, lime kiln, pignut, bugle, bluebells, Meldon Quarry Station, Dartmoor Railway,  aplite quarry, Redaven Brook, copper mine, Meldon Dam.

2014-5-21. Dartmoor Inn, Merrivale Quarry, Middle Staple Tor, Great Mis Tor, Longash Leat, double stone rows, Roos Tor, King's Tor, Longstone, South Hessary Tor, TV transmitter, Yellowmeade Farm, Pila Brook, cotton grass, Little Mis Tor, Vixen Tor, bluebells, skylark, china clay sett boundary stone, cloudscape, cumulus, cirrus, Hucken Tor, Greater Stitchwort, Hucken Tor farm longhouse, staddle stones, Little Wonder Bridge, gate hanger stone, TA stone.

2014-5-15. Bennett's Cross, North Walla Brook (or River Bovey) head mire, sedge species, Assycombe Hill, ponies, Hurston Ridge double stone row, Kes Tor, hut circles, Hurston Castle, hawthorn tree, rabbit holes, West Vitifer Mine.

2014-5-14. Blackaton Cross, Emmett's Post, Trowlesworthy Tor, clay workings, large lorries and diggers, Saddlesborough hut circles, stone row, skylark, gorse, Eddystone Lighthouse (22 miles distant), Hawk's Tor, quartz vein, H stone, trig. pillar, Luxton Tor.

2014-5-7. Hound Tor, Swallerton Gate, Swallerton Gate Cross, granite trough, Dexters, Bowerman's nose, bluebells, Dartmoor white-faced sheep, dung bonnets, Manaton Church, pennywort, lichen, lousewort, Blissmoor longhouse, pink purslane, Jay's Grave.

2014-4-30. Gate-holder stone, Kestor Rock, distant deer,  hut circle, hawthorn tree, Hurston Castle / Castle Rock, sedge (Carex spp), drystone wall, Canada geese, Hurston, sundial, slotted gateposts, Lower Shapley, apple blossom, beech leaves, Two Moors Way, Mariners' Way, (350)

2014-4-21. Burrator Arboretum re-opening by BBC Spotlight weather forecaster Emily Wood, in partnership with Radio Devon, the event being one of their recently started listeners' walks.

2014-4-16. Venford Reservoir, Holne Town Gutter, bull's eye plates, Holne Moor Leat, Mine track, dry Wheal Emma Leat, RDH stones, cairns, mine workings, Ringleshutes Mine.

2014-4-14. Swallerton Gate, daffodils, violet, gorse, Hound Tor, Jay's Grave, Honeybag Tor, Hamel Down, Three Fishes Stones (the Heathercombe Crosses or the Kingdom, Power & Glory stones), Heathercombe Wooslands, High Heathercombe Centre, RAF Memorial, Pit stone

2014-3-26. Higher Cherrybrook Bridge car park, Lych Way, "Hairy Hands" of Dartmoor legend, Bellever Tor, Bronze Age settlement, hut circle, chainsaw art, cairn cist, Longaford Tor, Dartmoor ponies.

2014-3-12. Dunnabridge, Pound, Judges Chair, Postman's Road, Brimpts North Mine, Loughtor Man, Laughter Tor, sheep measure, slotted gate posts, cow jaw, Cherrybrook Leat.

2014-3-5. Mary Tavy/Brentor parish boundary stones, West Devon Way, Brentor, Church of St Michael de Rupe, Brentor Station, Whittor, Great Mis Tor, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor , Cox Tor, Sharpitor, Peek Hill, mine shaft, trig pillar, Great Links Tor, Widgery Cross (on Brat/Brai Tor), Lydford Station, Wastor Farm.

2014-2-26. Meavy village, Royal Oak public house, old oak, replacement oak, war memorial, Meavy Village Cross, St. Peter's Church, lych gate, snowdrops, Lower Meavy Bridge, River Meavy, church path, clapper bridge, Callisham, Lovaton, Burrator Dam, rainbow, hazel catkins, Marchant's Cross, Higher Meavy Bridge, ford.

2014-2-19. P (Peter Tavy) boundary stone, Wedlake, Roos Tor Bottom, reave, hut circles, slit trenches, mortar pits, gun emplacement, Roos Tor, Duke of Bedford stones 1890, 1847 markers, tinners pits, Quarryman's Path.

2014-1-29. Yellowmeade Farm leat, Hill 60 Quarry, Hollow Tor Quarry, King Tor, Dartmoor Mission Hall, Rundlestone Tor, North Hessary Tor TV transmitter, Great Mis Tor, rock basins, black dunghill, weather station, DCP stones, milestones, Mistor Farm, Little Mis Tor.

2014-1-8. Lane End, Wheal Jewell Mine Leat / Reddaford Leat, John Taylor, Nattor Farm, Baggator, sluice, Nat Tor, footbridge, Tavy Cleave, Ger Tor, River Tavy, depth gauge, survey station, head weir. (340)

2013-12-11. "The walk of a thousand stiles" - Mary Tavy Inn, William Crossing's grave, step stiles, mowhay, Wheal Friendship miners' dry, reservoir, smallholding, hens, Hare Tor, Ger Tor, Jubilee Walk.  Go to 16 x 9 format photographs

2013-12-4. Master Rock (Billy Bray). Zoar Common, cottages, The Old School House, Hill Bridge, head weir, leat takeoff, salmon ladder, tin mine, wheelpit, C-stone, Wheal Frederick Leat, tramway rail, linhay, old chapel, Methodist chapel.  Last 4 x 3 format photographs?

2013-11-27. Sherberton Farm, apiary, bees, logs, bridge, planks, sheep creep, buzzard, stone circle, Galloway cattle, tors, Dunnabridge Pound, John Bishop's House, TA stone, Higher Swincombe Farm, grinding stone supports stones, Swincombe Ford Bridge, stepping stones, Gobbett Mine crazing mill, blowing house, mould stone, mortar stones, buddles, wheel-pit, adit, Forest Inn, Queen Victoria's Cross. Also Jolly Lane Cottage, Hexworthy - a Clive Gunnell Westward TV News film.

2013-11-6. Plaque and log seats in the car park, St. Pancras Church, Widecombe-in-the-Moor sign, Widecombe Fair characters, East Webburn River, Chinkwell Tor, Rugglestone Inn, slotted gate post, Beatrice Chase (Olivia Katherine Parr), Venton, Higher Venton Farm, Dunstone Court, Dunstone Cross, Dun Stone, pennywort, village green.

2013-10-30. Houndtor, local hunt, deserted medieval village, drying barns, kilns, ovens, longhouses, slotted gate posts, lapper bridge, Becka Brook, Ilsington/Manaton boundary stone, Leighon, pumpkins, camping barn.

2013-10-23. River Lyd, stepping stones, footbridge, Brat Tor, Widgery Cross, Arms Tor, Great Links Tor, Hare Tor, Doe Tor.

2013-10-16. Venford Reservoir, Holne Moor sign, 2009 spillway, Dart valley, Sharp Tor, lichen, White Wood, bracket fungus, Bench Tor, Mel Tor, Yar Tor, Rowbrook House, Combestone Tor, strip fields, Richard Dawson - Lord of the Manor of Holne - boundary stone.

2013-9-18. The Hurlers stone circles, The Pipers, incised cross, RJL 1846 boundary stone, mine engine houses, The Cheesewring, ponies, rainbow, sheep, Sharp Tor, Stowe's Hill, fleur de lis, Daniel Gumb's House, Rillaton Barrow, Caradon Hill, archaeological 'dig' for a crystal pavement.

2013-9-11. West Down, Grenofen Manor, River Walkham, disused quarry, sett makers' bankers, fungi, West Down Mine chimney, kiln.

2013-9-10. Widecombe Fair - not a walk.

2013-9-4. Gutter Tor, Sheep's Tor, cirrus clouds, Longstone Leat, Down Tor, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Yellowmead fourfold stone circle, Cuckoo Rock, PCWW 1919 markers, mine shaft, beech mast, Outholme cist, corn ditch, hillside tin working, Jobbers' Road, Higher Hartor Tor, soft rush, clapper bridge. (330)  

2013-8-28. EPB boundary stones, Buckland Beacon and the Ten Commandments Stones, Jubilee Stone, Well's Tor aka Welstor Rocks. 

2013-8-7. Footbridges, West Okement River, Meldon Dam, Meldon Pool, limestone quarry, lime kilns, ragwort, Meldon Viaduct, finger dumps, wheel pit, Meldon Reservoir.

2013-8-14. Devonport Leat, clapper bridge, spillway, Driveage leat hut, Hutchinson's or Devonport Leat Cross, leat tunnel, dung bonnet, Old Smithy, Nun's Cross Farm, Northmore's Cross, Headless or Whealham Bottom Cross.

2013-8-11. Fur Tor, Bagga Tor, South Common Plantation, military hut, Great Mis Tor, Great Links Tor, cairn, burrow, flag pole, Tavy Hole, Ring Rock, tethering ring, Lynch Tor.

2013-8-7. Clouds, Row Tor, West Mill Tor, East Mill Tor, anti-tank weapon firing points, command point, target butts, explosion (revisited from another walk), Okehampton Show, triangulation pillar, mating wasps, Red-a-ven Brook.

2013-8-1. Walkhampton Church, thistles, bee, poetry plaques, cattle "creeps", cow, granite setts, railway trackbed, stone row, RAF Sharpitor, Peek Hill, bunkers, cairns, Sharpitor, Leather tor, Burrator Reservoir, Lowery Tor, Lowery Barn, Peekhill Plantation, Lowery crossing.       

2013-7-31. A damp, misty walk: saw mill leat, hut circle, ponies, River Erme, Downing's House, dam, Pile's Copse.

2013-7-24.  B3212 road, permitted path, poetry plaques nos. 1 and 2, thistle flower, stone row, RAF Sharpitor, Walkhampton Church, Peek Hill, Lowery Tor, bramble flower, Peekhill Plantation, foxgloves, red campion, Danish Supermarine Spitfire.     

2013-6-27. Sourton Tors, paraglider, King Way, ice works, dolerite, triangulation pillar, Church of St. Thomas a Becket,  Great Links Tor, boundary stone, apple crusher, stone circle, black sheep, Meldon Reservoir, Meldon Viaduct, fly, Branscombe's Loaf, Shelstone Tor, wheatears, Black-a-Tor Copse NNR, Greep's Quarry, Vellake.

2013-6-26. Norsworthy Bridge, C (County) stone, Norsworthy tin mill, tinners' fougou, Leathertor Farm, potato cave, River Meavy, Leather Tor Bridge, ancient ford, Riddipit Steps stepping stones, Riddipit Farm longhouse, Riddipit Tin Mill, 2nd potato cave - with luminous moss, mortar stone, adit, Riddipit gert, Keaglesborough Mine, wheel pits, leat bank, Classeywell Farm, Kingsett Farm, feathers & tare stone, Norsworthy Farm.  KR3 - week before group holiday in French Alps  (320)

2013-6-19. Riverside Car Park, River Tavy, weirs, old island, Still Tower, pinnacles, Abbey Place, Abbey Chapel, Misericord, Bedford Hotel, Betsy Grimbal's Tower, sarcophagus, cloisters, Church of St. Eustachius (Eustace), medieval gargoyle, Ordulph Arms, lower ground levels, milestone, stained glass windows.

2013-6-12. Setters Tor, non-granitic rock, Stephen's Grave, Bronze Age settlement, conrete roller, Broadmoor Brook, sheep creep, slotted gate post, Twyste Farm, Boulters Tor.  

2013-6-6 Narrator Brook bridge, gate and stile, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Down Tor, adit, Cuckoo Rock, Rough Tor, bluebells, Sheeps Tor, Meavy, oak tree. Royal Oak pub.

2013-6-5. Sourton Tors, marker stones, King Way, SWW water works, ice works, Meldon Reservoir, boundary ditch, apple crusher, Pixies' matchsticks, Meldon dam, Shelstone Tor, luggage "handle" on a large rock, non-logan stone, Vellake valley, Greep Quarry.

2013-5-30. Emsworthy Tin Mine, Emsworthy Lane, bluebells, granite posts, old sycamore tree, bracket fungi, sheep creep, Hound Tor, circular platform, semi-worked granite, granite tramway, Fitches' Holt, gymkhana, Holwell Lawn, Greator Rocks, Emsworthy West Quarry, Bagtor/Ilsington manorial bound stone, unfinished apple crusher.

2013-5-29. Teign Estuary, Emsworthy, tramway, gorse blossom, Hamel Down, Chinkwell Tor, Honeybag Tor, Hound Tor, Holwell Tor, Saddle Tor, Haytor, leat, Emsworthy Rocks, bluebells, slotted gate posts, alpine cow bell, barn owl box, longhouse, Becka Brook Bog, Emsworthy Mire, hut circle, Baggator and Ilsington boundary stones, Common cotton grass, Fitches Holt, Whortleberry Rock, North Hessary Tor, Greator Rocks, Manaton Church, curlew, cuckoo, Templer granite tramway points, unfinished apple crusher.

2013-5-16. Bluebells, hut circle, triangulation pillar, Hawks Tor, Huxton Farm boundary marker, WW2 anti-aircraft radar station, Beatland Corner cross.

2013-5-15. Hurston Water, River Bovey, Bushdown Mine, leat, gerts. Assycombe Hill. Fernworthy Forest, Hurston Ridge double stone row, cairn, cist, Kes Tor, hut circles, Hurston Castle, West Vitifer Mine, buddles, wheel-pit, waterfall, Bennet's Cross.

2013-5-8. Whitchurch Down, Shorts Down, Plaster Down, Brentor Church, milestone, box well, liverwort, King Alfred's Cakes fungus, ramsons, wild garlic, slotted gate post, hollow-way lane, quartz, foal, Holland Villa, Pu Tor, Great Sortridge Mine, vista of tors, "TA" on a stone.

2013-5-1. Reave, Horn's Cross, Stacombe Telling Place, PUDC Venford reservoir catchment boundary stone, RD / H, cairn, Ryder's Hill, trig. pillar, Petre's Boundstone, Petre on the Mount, Redlake china clay waste heap, Combestone Tor.  (310)

2013-4-24. Norsworthy Bridge, C (County) stone, blowing houses (Norsworthy tin mills), wheel-pits, sheep creep, Leathertor Farm, potato cave, Leather Tor Bridge, Riddipit Steps, Riddipit Farm, Riddipit Tin Mill, mortar stone, spring (with movie), adit, Riddipit gert, Keaglesborough Mine, Classeywell Far, Nosworthy Farm.

2013-4-17. Powdermills, Lych Way, Powder Mills Leat, incorporating mills, gunpowder, maidenhair spleenwort, tar, water wheels, wheel pit, magazine, reservoir, Cherry Brook, chimney, flue, unidentified mosses.  

2013-4-10. Two Crosses in Turf Stone, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Bell Tor, D Stone, Blue Stone, Kingshead Tor, Herring's (Aaron's) Knock, Stoneslade Tor, cist, small cross, WW2 anti-glider poles, Hameldown Beacon, Hamilton Beacon, Grey Wethers Stone, cairn, Old House Stone. 

2013-4-3. Drove Lane, Grange Plantation, Brook Barn, stacked wood, fieldfares, Hall Farm, Elizabeth Chudleigh a.k.a. Lady Kitty Crocodile, primrose, wild daffodils, Tristis Rock, cairn circle and cist, Piles Copse, Hangershell Rock, Hall Plantation, Burford Down, River Erme, Bronze Age enclosures, stone row (from a distance), water treatment works.  

2013-3-27. Dousland water reservoir, Yennadon Quarry, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tramway, hedge construction, granite setts, sewage works, The Old Halt, Iron Mine Lane, Meavy Iron Mine, Devonport Leat ('dry'), cattle creep, PCWW 1917 boundary stone, Burrator Halt, Burrator Dam, Devonport Leat (running), mallards, sluice, Lowery Crossing, PCWW 1917 boundary stone.

2013-3-20. Steps Bridge, River Teign, Dunsford Wood, mill leat, coppiced oak, wild daffodils, leaf litter, copper beech, exposed tree roots, branched lichen, unidentified moss, coppiced stool, Dolly's Seat, leat sluice.

2013-3-13. Mardon Down, wild daffodils, Haytor, Giant's Grave, cairns, largest stone circle on Dartmoor, Haldon Belvedere aka Lawrence Castle, frozen puddles, cutting, growan, Maximajor Stone or Headless Cross, pillared circle.

2013-3-6. Shaugh Bowling Green, step stile, Shaugh Prior church, stream, milk churn, Shaugh Prior Cross, Inspector of Ancient Monuments marker, stone row, reave, hut circle, triangulation pillar, Luxton Tor, Hawk's Tor, tongue and groove marks, Huxton Farm boundary marker, rock pan, quartz vein, WW2 anti-aircraft radar site, Beatland Corner cross.

2013-2-20. Burrator Dam, animal drinking troughs, commemorative plaques, Berra Tor, explosives store, Sheepstor village cross, Sheepstor brook, Burrator House, step stile, bracket fungi, sunken lane, Smallacombe, catkins, Yeo Farm, Marchant's Cross, benchmark, River Meavy ford and stepping stones, Plymouth (Drake's) Leat, Yennadon Crags, Burrator Upper Quarry car park rock exposure.

2013-2-15. Modern Mary Tavy/Brentor boundary stone, GWR bridges, Brent Tor, Was Tor, SD&TR, L&SWR bridges, snowdrops, Lydford railway station. Station Stables, Was Tor Chapel, Wastor Farm & holiday cottages, Burnville, walled garden, ponies in a muddy field, dog poo fairy notice, faded signs on bridges, blue tit. (300 walks verified)

2013-2-10 LEATS - not an individual walk - not counted in the walks total at page top.

 2013-2-6. Shaugh Bridge china clay drying sheds, River Meavy, River Plym, settling tanks/resrvoirs, West Down, pony, spruce cones, Plymouth Hoe big wheel, Princetown, North Hessary Tor, Shaugh Beacon, Dewer's footprint, pine trees, Trowlesworthy Warren Farm, pound, badgers' sett, bracket fungi, china clay slurry pipe.

2013-1-30. RAF Harrowbeer, Roborough Rock, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee drinking fountain, Jubilee commemorative monument, Devonport Leat, Plymouth Leat, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tram way (Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway), mile stone, habitat pile, Yelverton golf course, tunnel, Dartmoor ponies, frog spawn, The Wharf, cycle track, River Meavy, Clearbrook Leat.

2013-1-31. Black sheep, Arms Tor, memorial seat, step stile, Bray Tor, Widgery Cross, River Lyd, ford, stepping stones, footbridge, boundary stone, tin streaming site, Wheal Mary Emma leat, clapper bridge, Black Rock, memorial seat, commemorative plaque, large riverside construction, Hare Tor.

2013-1-17. Drakeford Bridge, Pullabrook Wood, Woodland Trust, River Bovey, Trendlebere Down, Lustleigh Parish 2000 boundary stone, Hisley Wood, Pudding Stone, benchmark, Hisley Bridge, slotted gate post, flood plain, Rudge Wood, large oak tree, 1684 inscribed stone, liverwort, deer sign.  

2013-1-16. Granite/country rock exposure, Leeper/Leapra Cross, Mariners Way, slotted gatepost, signpost, Leapra Brook, massive gateposts, West Coombe Farm, ash house, impressive corner stones, leat, reservoir, hut circles, Shapley Tor. 

2013-1-11. Lopwell Dam, apple crusher, fish pass, tidal causeway, saltwater marsh, Maristow House, Tavy Viaduct, boathouse, belvedere, mill, oak apples.

2013-1-2. Cist, double stone row, RAF Sharpitor, Peek Hill, cairn, hawthorn tree, Cock's Plantation, Yellow Brain fungus, < Golden Jelly fungus Yellow Trembler Witches' Butter, Tremella_mesenterica, Cross Gate Cross, Devonport Leat, stacked timber, cairn and cist, Pixy Match and Pixy Cup lichen fruiting bodies.

2012-12-23. Clearbrook Leat - with running water.

2012-12-21. Devonport Leat, Plymouth Leat - both with running water.

2012-12-19. River Plym, Blacka Brook, rabbit bury, rabbit warren, myxamatosis, Pests Act 1954, Trowlesworthy Warren Farm, cist, Bottle Hill Mine, clay works leat, rabbit bridges, Little Trowlesworthy Tor, crane base, "The Drum", pink granite, Devonport Column, longhouse, hut circle. (290) 

2012-12-5. Top Tor, round houses / hut circles, Rippon Tor, Saddle Tor, Haytor, Foale's Arrishes, reeve, pixie snot, Blackslade Down longhouse, Whittaburrow cairn, Warren House Inn, Blackslade cist, Tunhill Rocks, Pil Tor, Widecombe, St. Pancras Church.

2012-11-28. Roborough Rock, RAF Harrowbeer aerodrome, Dartmoor ponies, Allan Williams turret, drinking fountain, Diamond Jubilee commemorative monument, Devonport Leat, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tramway, Plymouth & Dartmoor railway, Elford Town Farm, Gloucestershire Old Spot piglets, kissing gate, tunnels, oak trees, Chub Tor, oak apple, Drake's Plymouth Leat, tramway mile post. sluice.

2012-11-14. Brimpts Plantation car park, logs, sawing depot ruins, Bellever Forest, Soussons Wood, Warren House Inn, Babeny, Sharp Tor, Bellever Tor, Loghtor Man, Laughter Man, Pixie snot, Brimpts North Mine, Adit Shaft, Engine Shaft, stamping mill, wheel pit, dressing floors, dung bonnet, dry leat, slotted gate post, Huccaby Tor, Dartmoor pony

2012-11-7. Drakeford Bridge, Pullabrook Wood, Woodland Trust, River Bovey, Yellow Stag's-horn Fungus, Trendlebeer Down, wood ants nest, Lustleigh Parish 2000 boundary stone, Hisley Bridge, Hisley Wood, Pudding Stone, benchmark, slotted gate post, flood plain, Rudge Wood, crustose lichen, 1684 inscribed stone, liverwort, otter sign, turkey.

2012-10-31. West Blackdown car park, modern B/MT boundary stone, West Devon Way, National Route 27, Shetland ponies, Was Tor, old railway line, site of Lydford station, ivy, post box, Wastor Farm, kissing gate, walled garden, white-faced Dartmoor sheep, Burnville Farm, Langstone, The Smithy, wheelwright's wheel, old railway bridge notices.

2012-10-25. Saddle Tor, Haytor Rocks, Low Man, High Man, dung fungi. Ilsington/Bagtor Manor boundary stone, Emsworthy Rocks, Emsworthy West Quarry, Rippon Tor, Haytor granite railway points, boundary stone, Blacksmith's Shop, chambered entrance tomb.

2012-10-17. Harrowbeer Aerodrome, Roborough Common, orange peel fungus, hawthorn berries, kerb stones, hashers' sign, Clavaria fistula, Walkhampton House, Great Staple Tor, Pew Tor, Great Mis Tor, pony, bomb-rolling ramps, Nostoc commune.   

2012-10-16. Norsworthy Bridge, Norsworthy Farm, Norsworthy Mill blowing house, River Meavy, mortar stones, mould stone, Raddick Lane, Keaglesborough Mine, Raddick Plantation, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, North Hessary Tor, Crazywell Pool, Crazywell Cross, Burrator Reservoir, Down Tor, Sheep's Tor, feathers and tare.

2012-10-10. Combestone Tor, mist! Today's walk was too misty and wet for the camera to be taken out and used as is normally done.  

2012-10-5. Pump House, Hill 60 Quarry, Hollow Tor Quarry, Rundlestone Tor, North Hessary Tor, transmitter, trig. pillar, arrow boundary stone, DCP prison boundary stone, PCWW 1917 reservoir catchment area marker, TA stones, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's granite tramway sleepers, Cake Stone, explosive's store, West Mead Quarry, Red Cottages. (280)

2012-10-3. Holming Beam car park. Beardown Tors, DCP stone, Cowsic River, range clearer's lookout hut, firing range warning signs, fox moth caterpillar, flag staff, West Dart valley, Higher White Tor, Longaford Tor, Rough Tor, Crow Tor, range clearer's stable, Lydford Tor.

2012-9-26. Round Pound, Watern Tor, Thirlestone, hut circles, Batworthy, Kes Tor, Scorhill Tor, Little Kes Tor, Castle Drogo, Haytor Rocks, rock pans, Middle Tor, The Longstone, Thornworthy Tor, rainbow, double stone rows, cists, fourfold stone circle, fallen menhir.

2012-9-20. Merrivale, three blowing houses, mould stones, abandoned railway embankment, River Walkham, longhouse, unidentified caterpillar, unidentified red Sphagnum moss, wheel pit, Eddystone lighthouse, Smeaton's Tower, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Brentor, Merrivale double stone rows, apple crusher.

2012-9-19. Apple crusher, Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor, Roos Tor, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Potato or Plague Market, hut circles, dwelling, Chris Swanson memorial, Forest of Dartmoor boundary stone, River Tavy, River Tamar, Walkham Valley, Over Tor, rabbit bury, very large plate.

2012-9-13. Powdermills, Longaford Tor, Lich Way, ruined buildings, chimneys, waterwheel pit, Beardown Tors, Littaford Tors, Bellever Forest, Higher White Tor, Fernworthy Forest, Hereford cow, cists, Arch Tor, Bellever Tor.

2012-9-12. Great Nodden, WD4 stone, Ger Tor, Sharp Tor, Hare Tor, WD5 stone, WD 6 stone, WD10 and WD11 stones, Bearwalls Farm, woodpecker hole, bat boxes, Widgery Cross, Arms Tor, farm buildings, butterwell, corn ditch, MOD lookout, St. Petrock's Church in Lydford, Lydford Castle, rainbow.

2012-9-5. Dr. Blackall's Drive, Bel tor, Miltor Lane, Mel Tor, Sharp Tor, slotted gatepost, rock basins, Venford Reservoir, hut circle, tors, Buckland Beacon, Aish Tor, Leusdon Church, River Dart, rowan trees.

2012-8-29. Warren House Inn, heather, mine shaft, Vitifer Mine, carpenter's shop, Redwater Brook, Birch Tor Mine, mine captain's house, privy, great mullein, Birch Tor, Golden Dagger Mine, teasel, white heather, reindeer moss (lichen), gert, Soussons Wood, Birch Tor and Vitifer Mine Leat, chamomile, eyebright.

2012-8-23. Warren House Inn, King's Oven, Bronze Age enclosure, circular stone, ruined building, vee stones, gorse, heather, ponies, Birch Tor and Vitifer Mines, Hurston Ridge double stone row, cairn. blocking stone, Assycombe Hill, Kes Tor, Water Hill, Caroline Farm, Wheal Caroline mine, shaft.

2012-8-22. Gorse, bell heather. common ling, Haytor Rocks, High Man, Low Man, Teign estuary, Rippon Tor, Saddle Tor, Bonehill Rocks, Hound Tor, dung bonnet, Emsworthy Rocks, Emsworthy West Quarry, Apache attack helicopter, Emsworthy East (aka Harrowbarrow) Quarry, altocumulus, altostratus clouds, Haytor granite tramway, switching points, St. Winifrid's Church at Manaton, Rubble Heap Quarry, cirrus, stratocumulus clouds, boundary stone, cross-leaved heath, Blacksmith's Shop or Old Smith's Shop B mark, chambered tomb. (270)

2012-8-15. Walking group 5th anniversary walk.

2012-8-8. Sheep, Willsworthy Firing Range hut, Wheal Jewell Leat, Ger Tor, Reddaford Farm, firing range features, bog asphodel, cross-leaved heath, Yellowmead farm, WD 37 military range boundary stone, Lich Way, common polypody, Willsworthy Manor Pound, Lower Willsworthy

2012-8-2. Modern boundary stones, Brent Tor, disused South Devon & Tavistock Railway, clouds, Great Links Tor, Widgery Cross, Jersey heifers, dung bonnets, Wheal Betsy, South Common Plantation, Gibbet Hill, triangulation pillar, miners' gert, mine shaft, field cairn, goats, 13th Century Church of St. Michael de Rupe, St. Michael stained glass window.

2012-7-19. White Tor, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor, Cox Tor, Wheal Jewell Reservoir, riders, thistle, Sharp Tor, Hare Tor, Ger Tor, Great Links Tor, leats, spillways, cusecs, labyrinth spider's web, stone chat.  Second page: Wheal Betsy Mine, stonechat, bell heather, yellow brain fungus. 

2012-7-18. Cows, Nun's Cross / Siward's Cross, Eylesbarrow Mine.

2012-7-11. Cross-leaved heath, sheep, Barn Hill, Staple Tors, cist, Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, Beckamoor Cross, bullseye stone, Feather Tor, wedge and groove granite splitting, Vixen Tor, Vixana, fallen WB bound stone, Prowtytown Corner, Prowtytown Rocks, Tamar bridges, reave, Cox Tor, rook.  

2012-7-5. Burrator Upper Quarry rock face, Click Tor, Burrator Dam, Leather Tor, stonecrop, memorial benches, Burrator Halt, GWR track bed (disused railway), foxgloves, Sheep's Tor, waterfall, Devonport Leat, pennywort, benchmark, selfheal (wild flower), Lowery Barn, abandoned quarry, clitter, sett maker's bankers, Lowery Crossing, carrion crow, yellow brain fungus, explosives store.

2012-6-27. War Horse walk, Gutter Tor, vermin trap, abandoned apple crusher, unfinished cross, trig. point, Ditsworthy Warren House, tinners' gert,kennels, speedwell, dung fungi.

2012-6-22. Hutholes medieval village, longhouse, cooking hole, leats, Rowden Ball, Rowden Tor, memorial plaques to Jeffrey and Mary Malim, Assycombe Hill, slotted gatepost, French's Lane, tadpoles, Heath Spotted Orhids, West Webburn River, Jordan, linhay or mowhay, Indian Bean Tree, step stile, sheep creeps, bull, Bittleford Farm, Two Crosses Stone. 

2012-6-20. Unidentified orchid, Caroline Farm/Wheal Caroline Mine, Potato Garden, heifer, cows, cotton grass, foal, Hurston Ridge, double stone row, cairn, Kes Tor, lousewort, Water Hill cairn, Birch Tor & Vitifer mine leat. (260)

2012-6-14. Trenchford Reservoir, Tottiford Reservoir, Kennick Reservoir, footbridges, piers, double-ended shelter, grey willow, gate hanger stones, foxgloves, black slug, common coots, mallard ducks, commemorative plaque.  

2012-6-8. A visit to Shipley Bridge, River Walkham in spate, rhododendrons, Meynell memorial, Hunter's Stone.

2012-6-6. Grenofen Bridge car park, Gem Bridge, picnic spot, time capsule, notice board, Gem Bridge, gabion walling, River Walkham, Screw Bridge, Magpie Viaduct, mine shaft, cow wheat, stonecrop, brick works - red soil, grey wagtail, meadow buttercup. 

2012-5-31. East Rook Gate, rhododendron flower, leat, Rook Tor, china clay works, Penn beacon, triangulation pillar, Shell Top, reave. No-Name Hill (or Shavercombe Head) trig. pillar, Rosalie Stone, Yealm Steps, blowing houses, mould stones, lichen, Hawns & Dendles Waste, cist, Broadall Lake, post-medieval farmstead, Hanger Down Clump

2012-5-30. Great Western Reave, Walkhampton Common Reave, Stenlake Road, Plymouth & District Railway (P&DR), granite setts, cattle creep, Routrundle, hut circle, plate-layers' hut, poetry plaque, hawthorn hedge, Peekhill Farm, St. Mary's Church Walkhampton, stone row, white milkwort, pony, Sharpitor, mile stone, PCWW 1917 stones. 

2012-5-24. Bedford or Magpie Bridge, possible crane base, River Walkham, Mallard drake, Gem Bridge, hawthorn, Gem Cottage, bluebells, Screw Bridge, Common, English or Pedunculate Oak tree, Great Staple Tor, bracket fungus, dry stone walling, buttercup, Magpie Viaduct.  

2012-5-23. Boulters Tor, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor, Cox Tor, a minor tor???, Great Mis Tor, non-granitic rock forming local tors, Higher Godsworthy, sundew  plant, Colly Brook, dry stone wall, field system, White Tor, P-stone, Great Combe Tor, St. Peter's Church in Peter Tavy, Brentor, skewbald pony, Church of St. Mary in Mary Tavy, bluebells, May blossom, Peter Tavy swimming pool, toads, tadpole.  

2012-5-20_Olympic Torch Relay, Laira Bridge, Plymouth. 

2012-5-17. Volvo articulated dump trucks, Shaugh Lake China Clay Works, hut circle, stone row, round house, Bickleigh Barracks, milkwort, reave, Hawks Tor, Shaugh Prior Church, "H" boundary stone (for Huxton Farm?), trig. pillar, excavator. 

2012-5-16. Mill stone, hut circle, pound wall, Vixen Tor, Merrivale double stone rows, menhir, King's Tor, Great Mis Tor, Great Staple Tor, logan stone, feather and tare rock splitting, CW2 china clay sett boundary stone, Hucken Tor, pennywort, lousewort, bluebell, lesser celandine, wood sorrel, Little Wonder Bridge, Pila Brook, gate hanger stone, explosives store, Grey Down Quarry. TA stone. (250)

2012-5-2. Bronze Age roundhouse/hut circle, Hanger Down Clump, feathers and tares, Butter Brook, plantation, reservoir, Tor Rocks, blowing house, mold stone, holey stone, tormentil, Tor Rocks Quarry, St. Petroc's Church Harford, Tristis Rock, Erme Valley, Sharp Tor, Three Barrows, Hangershell Rock, Puffing Billy track, Butterdon Hill 2 km stone row, foal. 

2012-4-25. Meldon Reservoir, commemorative plaque, trig. points (survey stations), dam, Longstone Hill, Sourton Tors, Meldon Viaduct, Red-a-ven Brook, Black Hill, quartz veins, lichen, aplite quarry, Red-a-Ven Copper Mine, Devon Copper Mine, Blackdown Copper Mine, Okehampton Wheal Maria, Meldon Mine, weighbridge, finger tip dumps,  wheelpit, West Okement River, Meldon Pool, beech trees. 

2012-4-18. Early clay sett bound stones, Blackaton or Roman's Cross, Emmet's Post, cairn, barrow, china clay scenery, Luxton Tor, Trowlesworthy Farm and tors, Hen Tor, Shaugh Bridge china clay drying works, River Meavy, River Plym. 

2012-4-17. River Avon, Japanese larch possibly infected with Phytophthora ramorum, unhealthy nearby Rhododendron (ponticum?), laurel, Brent Moor House Memorial, Shipley Bridge, C-stones. 

2012-4-12. RAF Memorial, cross carved in beech tree, Gibhill Cottage, Maurice Courtney Steer plaque and seat, Delamore House, Hanger Clump, Dartmoor Whiteface sheep, Headon Down China Clay Works, gorse flowers, witch's broom, Broomage Wood, chainsaw evidence, Broomage Farm and well, Crownhill Tor, hawthorn blossom, Tolchmoor Gate, Cholwich Town Farm cross, Piall River, Quick Bridge.  

2012-4-11. Postbridge, road bridge, clapper bridge, dipper, common polypody, gorse flower, East Dart Valley, old disc harrow, Dury Brook, Sousson's Wood, Pizwell, Runnage Bridge, Billy from Pizwell, young rabbit, Postbridge Cemetery. 

2012-4-3. Headland Warren Farm, artefacts, plastic owl, gerts possibly from Vitifer mine, West Webburn Valley, Grimspound, Hookney Tor, RAF Memorial, WW2 3-metre anti-glider poles, warren boundary stone, dog kennel wall, rabbit-proof walls. 

2012-3-28. Magpie or Bedford Bridge, River Walkham, Wheal Franco copper mine, brick works, Screw Bridge, moss, minotaur dung beetle, daffodils, Old Station Road, Magpie Viaduct.  

2012-3-21. Shapley Common, Round Hill, Jurston Valley, Curlicombe Brook, Chagford/North Bovey parish bound stone, slotted gateposts, Jurston, Mariner's Way, chimney pot,  clapper bridge, stepping stones, roe deer, Lettaford hamlet, The Landmark Trust, circular stone. 

2012-3-14. RAF 1942 Stirling Bomber memorial stone, Piall Woods, seat and memorial plaque, Delamore House, Headon Down, Cholwich Town China Clay Works, mica settling tank, leat, kaolin, granite constituents, Broomage Wood, oak trees, common polypody, abandoned well, Broomage farm, Crownhill Tor, smoke from swaling, Tolchmoor Gate, Cholwich Town Farm Cross, Quick Bridge.  (240) 

2012-3-7. Kit Hill (Cornwall). Artefacts from the Bronze Age, from tin-streaming, tin-mining and from granite quarrying. 

2012-2-29. A walk led by Simon Dell MBE (Dartmoor Guide) on the slopes of Middle Staple Tor looking at granite working including the sett makers' bankers.

2012-2-28. Photos of Rough Tor covered by branches of a fir tree, and then uncovered. 

2012-2-22. Ringmoor Down, medieval farmsteads, longhouses, Legis Tor, vermin trap, Legis Lake, cist, stone row and circle.

2012-2-16. Ruins of Narrator Farm, lichen, Narra Tor, Down Tor, Burrator Reservoir, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Sheepstor Warren House, rabbit bury, rock pan, Maiden Tor, Joey's Lane, corn ditch wall. 

2012-2-15. Narrator Farm ruins, blocked gateway, Narra Tor, Joey's Lane, Burrator Reservoir, hawthorn tree, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, rabbit bury (pillow mound), St. Leonard's Church, Sheepstor, Maiden Tor, Sheepstor Warren House, Pixie's Cave, Sheep's Tor, Plymouth Breakwater, Scout Hut, Gutter Tor, Hen Tor, Yellowmead multiple stone circle, hut circle, PCWW 1919 water catchment boundary stone, crows on sheep.

2012-2-9. Brent Moor (Shipley Bridge) china clay works, Shipley Tor, plain boundary stones, Rider's Rings, Black Tor, roundhouses, enclosures, Avon Reservoir, Avon dam, rhododendron, The Hunter's Stone.  

2012-2-8. Pew Tor, Pu Tor, marker stone (1896), North Hessary Tor, King's Tor, Great Mis Tor, Great Staple Tor, inner marker (1847), bullseye stone. KR2 - looking missing marker

2012-2-1. Sourton Tors, East Tor, Church of St. Thomas a Becket, Lake viaduct, Great Nodden, boundary stone, triangulation pillar, Sourton ice works, Iron Gates, King Way, icicles.

2012-1-25. Leather Tor, Middleworth Farm, Snappers Tor, bearded lichen, bracket fungus, Down Tor, Sheep's Tor, Deancombe Farm, staddle stones, Narrator brook, mortar stones, blowing house, adit, Combeshead Tor, Cuckoo Rock, Outholme cist, mine shaft, Rough Tor. KR1 - First group led by KR  (230)

2012-1-18. This was a very misty day during which I didn't take very many photos: Postbridge, road bridge, clapper bridge, tin workers mould stone, "The Barracks", Bellever Forest, Lakehead Hill antiquities, possible "sheep creep".

2012-1-11. Four Winds, Longash Leat, Longash Brook, explosive stores, Hill 60 Quarry, Hollow Tor Quarry, Rundlestone, Tor, old prison boundary stone, DCP prison boundary stone, North Hessary Tor, TV transmitter, PCWW 1917 inscription on North Hessary Tor, TA stones, Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tramway, Cake Stone, Bronze Age settlement, West Mead Quarry, Red Cottages.

2012-1-4. Ringaston (Ring-of-stones) ring cairn, cist, Soussons Plantation, South Sands, forest tracks, orienteering, ridge and furrow ploughing, owl pellet, fallen tree, Red Barrows, Dartmoor Exploration Committee.

  2011-12-28. Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, Plaster Down, Samford Tor or Little Pew Tor, Sampford Spiney Parish boundary stone, Heckwood Quarry, feathers and tare, broken trough, Feather Tor, clapper bridge, Beckamoor or Windy Post Cross, bullseye stone, abandoned apple crusher, millstone or feeding trough?, Pew Tor bond marks, WW2 bomb craters. 

2011-12-14.  Bonehill Rocks, Bel Tor, Haytor Rocks, St Pancras Church, Cathedral of the Moor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor, rock pans, Chinkwell Tor, Honeybag Tor, cairns, Thornhill Lane, Sharp Tor.

2011-12-7. Drinking fountain, RH Hooker, St. Michael & All Angels Church, prisoner of war grave markers, three soldiers' memorial plaque, Hartor Bottom rifle range, range marker stones, hut circle, butt or target backstop, Hart Tor, Cramber Tor, South Hessary Tor, Leeden Tor, Leather Tor, Sharpitor

2011-12-2. Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, King's Tor, Merrivale Quarry, Rundlestone Tor, South Hessary Tor tv transmitter, pre-1867 Dartmoor Forest boundstones, prison leat, Fice's Well, DCP stones, Great Mistor pan. 

2011-11-30. Gutter Tor, Sheep's Tor, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, Scout Hut, cists, trig. point, Ditsworthy Warren House, rock pan, Gutter Tor Cross, unfinished apple crusher, vermin traps (+ list of 8), Elbow Gutter, pillow mounds / rabbit "buries", kennel, ferret cage, honey fungus, Disney-esque tree.

2011-11-23. Norsworthy bridge, Bal mine, whim stone, wheel pit, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, lichens, yellow fungi, Down Tor, Burrator Reservoir, corn ditch, Kingsett Farm, hut circles, Peek Hill, longhouse, Newleycombe Lake, Crazy Well (Classywell) Farm, girt, three cists, Newleycombe Farm, Newleycombe Cross, cist, Combshead Tor, Cuckoo Rock, Snappers Tor.

2011-11-18. Rough Tor, Roughtor or Rowtor.  (220)

2011-11-16. Silver birch tree, witch's broom, Sticklepath Wood, River Walkham, Roborough Common, Screw Bridge, Sustrans National Cycle Route 27, moss, new Gem Bridge on site of Brunel's River Walkham viaduct, bracket fungus, honey fungus.

2011-11-9. A very wet day. Gibbet Hill, possible sunken lane, bracket fungus, Gibbet Hill, Wheal Betsy, WD1 stone.

2011-11-2. Belstone, pound, village stocks, memorial stone, well, Ivy Tor, Belstone Cleave, Walrus Stone, ponies, Ladybrook or Ottery Tor, water works, Irishman's Wall, River Taw, blowing house, fungi, Massey Ferguson tractor, water pump.

2011-10-28. King Way, King Wall, recently-discovered King Way Cross, Sourton Tors, Brentor, cairn, Rattlebrook Peat Railway, Lake Viaduct, Great Nodden, restored bridge, lichen with moss, peat beds, peat buildings, bricks, Hunt Tor, "L" boundary stone, Bleak House, Green Tor, Higher Dunna Goat boundary stone, Great Links Tor, Fox Moth caterpillar, Lower Dunna Goat, Saltash bridges, trig. point, Red Admiral Arms Tor, Bray Tor, Widgery Cross.

2011-10-26. Pony, rainbow, Bellever Tor, Sawdye's Newtake, Dunna Brook, slotted gateposts, pintle, Laughter Tor, Loughtor Man, sheepfold, Bill Munro Memorial Stone, Laughter Tor Cross, Haytor Rocks, Postman's Track, Brimpts North Tin Mine, Judge's Seat, Smooth newt.

2011-10-19. Burrator Quarry, Yennadon Crags / Cleag / Claig / Click Tor, Sheepstor, Burrator Reservoir, Leather Tor, Burrator Halt, oak tree, dam, lichen, Devonport Leat, beach, Down Tor, Lowery Barn, sett makers' bankers. 

2011-10-12. River Lyd, stile, magic mushrooms, Lydford / Bridestowe-Sourton parish boundary stone, Nodden Gate, King Way Cross, Rattlebrook Peat Railway, bridge, stepping stones. 

2011-10-7. Pork Hill car park sign, Cox Tor (originally Cock's Tor), RB stones, stone gate hangers, raven, Headless Farm Cross (Coxtor Cross), hummocks, cairn, trig. point, Cock's Lake, Great Staple Tor, Roos Tor, quarrymen's path stones, logan stone, granite markers, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Little Staple Tor.

2011-10-5. A misty walk. RB stones, gate hanger stone, Cox Tor (formerly Cock's Tor), PW stone. 

2011-9-24 & 25. Penwith - Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group visits to Ding Dong, Botallack, Geevor and Levant tin mines.

2011-9-8. Cist, step stile, Stenlake Road, Devonport Leat, lichens, Stenlake Farm, clapper bridges, River Meavy (Mewy), aqueduct, pipe, Hart Tor Brook, Black Tor waterfall, blowing houses, double mortar stones, lintel, Black Tor Ford, Black Tor, logan stone, rock pan. iron bridge, stone rows, terminal cairns. (210)

2011-8-31. Haytor Rock, Low Man, Teign estuary, gorse, heather, Haytor quarry, granite tramway, Templar Way, Hound Tor, inscribed granite rails, Bonehill Rocks, water lilies, crane winding mechanism, rowan, wedge and groove, whim stone, blackberries, Bagtor / Ilsington Manor boundary stone, Fox Moth caterpillar.

2011-8-24. Round house, medieval lazy beds, Dunstone and Bittleford Downs, Rowden Ball, French's Lane, slotted gate posts, Devil's Bit Scabious, Alder, Bird Cherry, oak leaf galls, pig pen, Jordan, Indian Bean Tree, linhay, mowhay, wall-built stiles, sheep creeps, tractor, livestock feeder, gorse and heather, Hutholes, Wind Tor, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Belted Galloway cow, Two Crosses stone.

2011-8-17. Venford Reservoir, auxiliary overflow, notice, triple mortar stone, nest boxes, rosebay willowherb, thistle, longhouse ruins, Venford Brook, rainfall notice, ducks, tree roots, pine cone, RD/H boundary stones, White Wood, Sharp Tor, Mel Tor, Bench Tor, River Dart, PUDC, 4th Anniversary cake! 

2011-8-6. Postbridge - Lakehead Hill antiquities, Kraps Ring, roundhouses, cairn circles, stone rows, cists, Bellever Tor, Sitka spruce, archaeological dig.

2011-8-3. DCP - Directors of Convict Prisons marker stone, sundew, ling, cross-leaved heath, Black Brook, peat tramway remains(?), dung bonnets, modern gate stile, stonework, thistles, Fice's Well, tick, Prison Leat.

2011-7-28. Zeal Tor Tramway wooden rail, iron nail, iron pipe, fox moth caterpillar movie, Petre's Pit. pond, flowers, cotton grass, Redlake Tramway, Western White Barrow, Petre's Cross, boundary stone, Eastern White Barrow.

2011-7-27.  Bellever Forest, Krap's Ring, stone rows, cairn circles, cist, Bellever Tor, round house archaeological dig, post hole, tree root, Lich Way.

2011-7-22. Logged timber, grey lichen, Leather Tor bridge, Leather Tor Farm "potato cave", Lether Tor Farm ruins, Devonport Leat, Norsworthy Plantation, sluice, railway sett, Stanlake Farm, Stenlake Road, clapper bridge, tormentil, rowan, Hieracium, Cross Gate Cross, waterfall, Lower Lowery barn, Cross Gate Cist. 

2011-7-20. Anthony Stile, Rowtor, West Mill Tor, Yes Tor.

2011-7-7. Black slug, arboretum, ponds, mating flies, Deancombe Farm, sheep, Narrator brook, Cuckoo Rock, Down Tor, Leather tor, Sharpitor, Narrator, corn ditch, Outholme cist, Scout Hut, Gutter Tor, Sheep's Tor, Sheepstor village, foxgloves, thistle flowers, Pixies Cave, letterbox(200 walks verified)

2011-6-30. Zeal Tor Tramway, granite setts, iron nails, possible wooden rail, 3/4 milestone, 2 miles marker, Petre's Pit, Shipley Tor.

2011-6-29. Combestone Tor, pony, foals, wind-shaped hawthorn trees, Sharp Tor, Dart Valley, Wheal Emma Leat (now dry), clapper bridge, Cumston Farm Leat, Hamlyn's (Holne Moor) Leat, O Brook Valley, Heath Spotted Orchid, O Brook, foxglove, soft rush, bog asphodel, Horse Ford, Hooten Wheals tin mine, cist, cairn. Horn's Cross, triple stone row, umbrella tree, Warren House Inn, Hangman's Pit. 

2011-6-23. Keble Martin's chapel, Huntingdon Warren Cross. 

2011-6-22. Little Staple Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor, parish boundary stone (Whitchurch/Peter Tavy), Roos Tor, red flag, stone markers, Duke of Bedford pillars, Cox Tor, Beckamoor Dip, sundew insectivorous plant, old Sortridge and Grimstone Leat

2011-6-15. Merripit Hill, RAF Radio Direction Finding Station, Stannon House, Stannon Great Newtake, Assycombe Hill, Birch Tor & Vitifer Mine Leat, pound, cist, whortleberries, slug, Lady's Bedstraw / Heath Bedstraw, stone row, lousewort, cross-leaved heath. 

2011-6-8. Stone row, cow, cairn and cist, sunken lane, Black Tor, Devonport Leat, clapper bridge, Red Indian or Turk's doll's head, aqueduct, River Meavy, logan stone, round house, gate hender, stile, dung bonnets, Stenlake Farm. 

2011-5-27. Hobajohn's Cross, Longstone, terminal blocking stones, windblown tree, Sharp Tor, Erme valley, bluebells, Butterdon Rifle Range 1861, St. Petroc's Church, Harford. 

2011-5-25. Butterdon rifle range butts, 100 & 150 yards marker stones, Hangershell Rock, Hobajohn's Cross, cloudscape, the Lazarus stone (formerly recumbent longstone), Redlake railway track, green hairstreak butterfly, china clay pipeline inspection pit, Erme valley, Piles Gate, Sharp Tor, bluebells, early purple orchid, Pile Copse, Hanger Down Clump, hut circles, buttercup, Money Box, cist, May blossom.

2011-5-18. A misty, atmospheric day: Burrator Reservoir, spiders' webs, rhododendron flowers, weirs, water monitoring station, Fyshinge Feast, yellow flag iris, uncovered submerged road and bridge, exposed tree stump, bluebells, sunken lane, wild mint, mystery seedlings at water's edge, submerged gatepost, stone with square hole, granite troughs, Longstone Manor, cider press, keeves, cast-iron PCWW marker, weeping hawthorn.

2011-5-11. Station Cottages, Dartmoor Brewery, GWR horse stable, PCWW 1932 stone, station master's house, piece of rail, Sitka spruce, Sheep's Tor, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, bridges, sedge, tormentil, buttercup, Foggintor Quarry, crane base, blacksmith's shop, hawthorn, may blossom, moorland crowfoot, broom. (190) 

2011-5-4. A plethora of bluebells: bull warning sign, sheep creep, sunburnt bluebell leaf tips, Emsworthy Farm, dried up leat, sycamore tree, slotted gate posts, Emsworthy Rocks, buttercup, heath milkwort, violet, Haytor, Saddle Tor, cotton grass, Rippon Tor, Holwell Lawn, bluebells - lots!

2011-4-28. Redlake tramway - or "Puffing Billy" track, star-shaped hole, Spurrell's cross, UH boundary stone, Erme valley, Hillson's House, Three Barrows, pipeline, Hare's Tail cotton grass, Red Lake china clay spoil tip, lakes, Candy brick, Avon Reservoir, Dartmoor Submarine (Eastern White Barrow)

2011-4-21. Blackthorn, Yeo Farm, celandine, buttercup, bluebells, Sheep's Tor, church path stile, St. Leonard's Church in Sheepstor, three White Rajahs - the Brookes of Sarawak, church interior.

2011-4-20. Willsworthy Ranges, Emperor Moth cocoon, Black Hill, Ring o' Bells cairn, Down Pool, WD (War Department) boundary stone, WB (Willsworthy Manor) bound stone, Wheal Jewell leat and reservoir, Mine Leat, firing range scenes.

2011-4-14. Week Ford, skylark on Horse Ford Cross, ruins of mine buildings, Hootens Wheals mine, leat, water wheel pit, willow, rowan, hawthorn. flat-rod bed, Henroost Mine, Skir Ford, "Dartmoor steppes". 

2011-4-13. Okehampton Training Camp, training of recruits in various aspects of battle fieldcraft, appreciation of Dartmoor - its archaeology and wildlife, military items and mementoes, ponies of various breeds, gorse blossom, Moor Brook, Halstock Bridge, Fitz's Cross, Fitz's Well, St. Michael's Bungalow, 105 mm pack howitzer.

2011-4-7. Longstone leat, female stonechat, flat rod system, Eylesbarrow tin mine, Evil Combe, River Plym, blowing houses, Hen Tor, rabbit bury / pillow mound, Drizzlecombe stone rows, cists, Ditsworthy Warren House, Gutter Tor, Scouth Hut

2011-4-6. Longash Leat, dung bonnets, blocking stones, double stone row, King's Tor, Little King's Tor, Longstone, Yellowmeade farm, railway track, logan stone, London Bridge corbels, wooden sleepers, nails, railway platform, blacksmith's shop, Swelltor Quarry entrance, bridge, Pu Tor, clay sett marker CW 2 stone, Hucken Tor, Vixen Tor, Great Staple Tor, Pila Brook, hawthorn trees, blossom, TA stone. 

2011-1-4. A guided visit on a wet, misty day to Dartmoor Prison and Museum, French Prisoners of War Cemetery, American Prisoners of War Cemetery, St Michael & All Angels Church. This is something that the prison is hoping to develop as a tourist activity while still being a working Category C prison. (180)

2011-3-23. Steps Bridge, Dunsford Reserve, Teign Valley Woods, Devon Wildlife Trust, weir, leat valves, coracles, river-side paths, wild daffodils, wood anemones, oak tree, dog's mercury, hazel catkins, lesser periwinkle.

2011-3-16. A superb day with all-over blue sky and sunshine: Four Winds car park, Foggintor School, Longash Leat, King's Tor, West Mead Quarry, Red Cottages, Great Staple Tor, Roos Tor, Hill 60 Quarry, Harry's Box, Hollow Tor, Great Mis Tor, North Hessary Tor, TA stones, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn tramway, the Cake Stone, settlement, explosive stores, lichen.

2011-3-9. Mole hills, pony training circle, Hexworthy, Week Ford stepping stones, Sharp Tor, Haytor, Saddle Tor, Rippon Tor, Horse Ford Cross, Hexworthy mine office, Hooten Wheals mine, Hensroost Mine, barracks, bullet holes, clapper bridge, O Brook, flat-rod track, gerts, reservoir, adder. 

2011-3-2. Blackaton / Roman's Cross, Trowlesworthy Tor, Sheep's Tor, gert, single stone row, rabbit warren, rabbit bury, pillow mound, hut circle, sheep bridge, The Pulpit stone circle, double stone row, china clay pits, Spanish Lake, Shell Top, Penn Beacon, possible mudstone, breccia, pony jaw bones, Hanging Stone, frog spawn, granite constituents. 

2011-2-23. Teign estuary, sheep creep, Welstor Common rifle range, maidenhair spleenwort, quarry, bullet-stop, frog spawn, Wells Tor or Welstor Rock, Buckland Beacon, Ten Commandments stones, ponies. trees, bird pellet, parish boundary stones, EFP - Edmund Pollexfen Bastard, Lord of the Manor of Buckland in the Moor, 1837. 

2011-2-16. Dartmeet road bridge, clapper bridge, River Dart confluence of East & West Dart Rivers, turkey, canoe access point, Combestone Tor, gorse, Week Ford, stepping stones, St. Raphael's Church, foxglove plant, snowdrops, mementoes of the old school. 

2011-2-3. Two Bridges hotel bridge, River Cowsic, West Dart River, gnarled "Walt Disney" trees, bracket fungi, Beardown Farm, Devonport Leat, sheep leap, sluice, Wistman's Wood, Longaford Tor, clapper bridge, Littaford Tor, Crow Tor, ice, leat take-off points.

2011-2-2. Two Crosses, Dunstone manor boundary stone, the Blue Stone (and the Grey Stone?), ponies, Church Way, cow, Blackaton Cross, Peltigera lichen, Harchwell sign, stone gate hanger, Langworthy Farm sign, white heather, sheep creep, Pennywort

2011-1-26. Magpie or Bedford Bridge, Wheal Franco copper mine, brick works, Magpie Viaduct, mine shaft, woodland scenes, Horrabridge Station, bracket fungus, Roborough Down, Screw Bridge, Grenofen Viaduct, Gem Cottage.

2011-1-21. Shipley Bridge, River Avon, Rider's Rings, bronze age settlements, Avon dam, Avon reservoir, spilling water patterns.  (170)  

2011-1-19. A sunny walk on a very cold day, with black ice and an articulated lorry stuck on the approach road into the forest. Fernworthy Reservoir, round house, ice crystals, Lowton Brook settlement, Asacombe Hill/Assycombe Hill, double stone row, blocking stone, Asacombe Brook settlement, Asacombe Farm remains, pixie's matchsticks, steaming tree trunks, frost crystals on a gate. 

2011-1-12. Twyste Farm / Twist, attempted "venville" holding, slotted gate post, sheep creep, Broadmoor Brook, clapper bridge, layered hazel hedge, Devon United Mine features, leat, buildings, shafts, ponies, Thomson Turbine, hazel catkins, River Tavy movie, gorse flower, Longtimber Tor, St Peter's Church - Peter Tavy, restored village cross. 

2011-1-5. Bagtor Down, leat, manorial boundary stone between Ilsington and Bagtor manors, Bag Tor, rock pan, gert, Bagtor Cottages, stream, clapper bridge, slotted five-barred gateposts, Happy New Year!

2010-12-15. Sheep, Lydford/Bridestowe/Sourton parishes boundary stone, Widgery Cross, Bray Tor, Arms Tor, Great Links Tor, Little Links Tor, King Way, Rattlebrook railway, Great Nodden, newly-found cross, King Wall, corn ditch, Lake viaduct, cross base, Strollers Christmas lunch.

2010-12-8. Plymouth Leat, Drake's Leat, Devonport Leat, clapper bridge, Clearbrook, The Skylark Inn, pony, South Devon & Tavistock Railway, Clearbrook Halt, bridges, River Meavy, Yeoland Consols mine, Sheep's Tor, granite trough, horse drawn tramway, Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Tyrwhitt's Wharf. 

2010-12-1. King's Oven car park, Warren House Inn, Fox Moth caterpillar, V-stones, King's Oven, Water Hill, Hurston Ridge, Assycombe Hill, double stone row, Kes Tor, Natty's Castle, Four Aces enclosures. 

2010-11-24. Bellever Forest, Laughter Hole House, Laughter Hole Farm, Loughtor, epiphytic lichen, goat, string-of-sausages lichen, Usnea articulata, Loughtor Gate, blocking stone, Loughtor Man, Haytor, Laughter Tor, Haytor, sheep measure, Bill Mudge Memorial, Laughter Tor Cross.

2010-11-17. Shaugh Bridge drying sheds, River Plym, River Meavy, new 2010 footbridge, movies of the rivers, Shaugh Brick Works, Ferro-Ceramic Company, Brogden-Caspar Tunnel Kiln, exposed tree bole, Dewerstone Quarry, Count House, embankment, bridge pier, Urgles Cross, sunken lane, quarry brake drum gear, inclined plane, railway granite setts with nails and nail holes, crane base, The Pixie, iron mine, Common Polypody.

2010-11-10. Sharp Tor, reave, Yar Tor, cairn, Corndon Tor, Cathanger Rock, Money Pit, Cave-Penney Cross, Belstone Bible, Honeybag Tor, Chinkwell Tor, Bell Tor, Mel Tor, gatepost memorial to CNG, large hut circle.

2010-11-4. New Bridge, canoeist, River Dart, Royal Fern, Two Moors Way marker stone, mosaic of leaves, playful pony, crab apples, holly berries, Leigh Tor, pumping station, water trough, lichen/fungus, autumn colours, water lily (Cape Pond Weed).  (160) 

2010-11-3. William Rees Jeffreys, Grimstone & Sortridge leat, Vixen Tor, cist, SB/WB parish bound stone, Sampford Spiney parish and Whitchurch parish bounds, Heckwood Tor, feather & tares, broken trough, clapper bridge, Feather Tor, lichen, apple crusher / cider press, fungi, Windy Post or Beckamoor Cross, Bullseye Stone, wooden wedge marks, Barn Hill, Blacksmith's Shop, Whitchurch Common, wheelwright's form, aqueduct, longhouse.

2010-10-27. New Bridge, River Dart, Rock Pavement, Deeper Marsh, Leigh Tor, Iron Age pound, crab apples, oak tree, spangle galls, woodland views, holly with berries, unidentified flower, Leigh Tor Pumping Station, granite seat, puffball, lichen, Victorian Lily Pond. 

2010-10-20. River Plym. Spanish Lake, Trowlesworthy Tors (saddle between), "The Drum", settlements, Trowlesworthy Warren Farm. 

2010-10-13. Hexworthy, cows, Yellow Brain Fungus, O Brook valley, gorse roots, Horse Ford Cross, Hexworthy mine buildings, wartime bullet holes, views of track, quartz, O Brook, bridges, leat, Hensroost gert, reservoir, Skir Ford Cross.

2010-10-4. Ivybridge railway viaduct, Erme Wood, River Erme, St Petroc's Church-Harford, Hangershell Rock, Sharp Tor, Brent Hill, Eastern White Barrow, cairns, Butterdon Hill, trig. point, stone row, Black Pool, boundary stones, Western Beacon, Ugborough/Harford parish boundary stone, quarry, Two Moors Way.

2010-9-30. Norsworthy Bridge car park, tin mine, water wheel pit, clapper bridge, Devonport Leat, spider webs, gorse, Leather Tor, Sheepstor, Burrator Reservoir, Cladonia-type cup lichen, Cross Gate Cross, sawn log, Cross Gate cist and cairn.  

2010-9-29. Postbridge clapper bridge, road bridge, mould stone, Kraps Ring hut circle, Lakehead Hill cairn circle, fallen willow, short stone row, cairn circle and cist, Bellever Tor, ragwort, second cairn and cist, Yellow Stag's-horn Fungus, Fly Agaric, Cep or Penny Bun Mushroom, unidentified fungus.

2010-9-22. A misty day! New Waste, Stall Moor, Stalldown stone row, Stall Barrow, Hillson's House, Fox Moth caterpillar, Erme, Tristis Rock, PRDC marker. 

2010-9-15. Bronze Age round house, hut circle, Sharpitor, Fox Moth caterpillar, Steven Spielberg film company, Leeden Tor, Sweltor Quarry, dung bonnet toadstool, cist, ponies, Ingra Tor, Western gorse, Ingra Tor quarry, disused railway track, Ingra Tor Halt station platform, cattle creep, Bronze Age enclosures/pounds

2010-9-8. Venford East car park, South Devon cows, Dry Channel, Hamlyn's (Holne Moor) Leat, Tormentil, fallen tree, gulley, girt, trench, Ringleschutes Mine, engine house area, collapsed chimney, cairns, RD/H - PUDC catchment area boundary stones, Holne Town Gutter, gorse, spider - Araneus quadratu.  (150)

 2010-9-3. A good blue sky day! Middleworth Farm, saplings growing on an old tree stump, Deancombe Farm, staddle stones, ruins, thistle, Narrator Brook, mortar stones,  oak, Cuckoo Rock, cave, bats, potato cave, Sheepstor, Combeshead Tor, Hingston Hill circle, stone row, three cists, Down Tor, Snappers Tor, Leather Tor. 

2010-9-1. Willsworthy Firing Range notice, H stone, troop shelter, leat from Wallabrook to Wheal Jewell mine, target apparatus, Hare Tor, rusty tracked vehicles, target railway, Great Nodden, Bray Tor, Great Links Tor, renovated newtake wall, WD stone.  

2010-8-27. GWR rail track bed, PDR rail track bed, granite sett, animal feeder, poetry plaque, cattle creep, Ingra Tor, Ingra Tor Halt, quarry, crane bases, Swelltor Quarries, willow/sallow tree, Sharpitor, Hercules transport plane, pineapple weed, livestock "lick", ash keys, ponies.

2010-8-19. Saddle Bridge, Pelton wheel, O Brook, lichens, spearwort, Holne Moor Leat, Horse Ford, Monks' Path cross, clapper bridges, Skir Ford, Skir Gut / Skir Girt, Wellaby Gulf, PUDC stones, Horn's Cross, reeve, Double Dart valley, Holne Moor Leat, spider's nest in gorse.

2010-8-18. Bellever Forest, car park, stinkhorn fungus, Bellever Farm, Bellever bridge, C-stone, East Dart River, clapper bridge, grooved clapper stones, Whiteslade Farm / Snaily House, string-of-sausages lichen, pixie's matchsticks, maidenhair spleenwort, rowan, gorse, sitka spruce, Pimms.  

2010-8-11. Billy Bray (Methodist preacher), Tavy Cleave, old milk churns, Old School House, Hill Bridge Weir, Wheal Friendship Leat, Creason Wood, waterwheel, River Tavy, Common, English or Pedunculate oak, sycamore, sluice, Woodland Trust, Black Tor, leat,  Herb-Robert, hazel nuts, meadowsweet, red campion, old tin miners' cottage, house martins, farm yard, Methodist chapel, burial ground, hay meadow, monkey puzzle tree. 

2010-8-5. Dean Burn Ford and clapper bridge, ancient trees, Abbot's Way, Water Oak Corner, Avon Reservoir, Brockhill Ford, cairn circle & cist, fox moth caterpillar, oddities, Huntingdon cross, wheel pit, pale-flowered cross-leaved heath, soft shield fern, Mattins Corner, Keble Martin's chapel, cross, Huntingdon Warren farm, Western Wella Brook clapper bridge, Dartmoor submarine, sycamore tree, Heap of Sinners, Huntingdon Barrow, gert, Pupers Rock, IHS, Outer Pupers, Inner Pupers, pineapple weed, BAT stone.

2010-8-4. OPB - Okehampton Parish Boundary stones, Cullever Steps, ford, Black-a-ven Brook, East Okement/East Ockment River, stepping stones, Scarey Tor, wooden wedge rock splitting, unfinished mill stone, East Bowden or Higher Halstock farm, Tarka Trail, Belstone Tor, Nine Stones, Irishman's Wall, cairn circle, kistvaen, pixies' or devil's matchsticks, WD stone. 

2010-7-28. Toadstools, Cholwich Town Farm, Cross, Tolchmoor Gate, ragwort, Cholwich Town Bottom, Ridding Down, Lee Moor, bumble bee, chamomile, Derriford Hospital, Broomage Farm, maidenhair spleenwort, well, clover, branched tree-bole, clay settling pond, Mr Toad, bullrush, Pen Beacon, mushroom, Headon Down Clay Works, Hanger Down Clump, Maurice Steer's seat, Delamore House, blackberries.

2010-7-23. Four Winds, Yellowmeade Farm, Red Cottages, TA stone, tramway setts, Longash Common, King's Tor, Foggin Tor Quarry, quarrymen's cottages, monuments to quarrying, Swell Tor Quarry, quarrying remains, Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway, inclined plane, discarded London Bridge corbels, railway cutting, Merrivale Quarry, logan stone, Longash Brook, ford, stepping stones, Longstone, Great Staple Tor, Merrivale stone rows, cists, hut circle, Great Mis Tor, apple crusher.  (140)

2010-7-21. Belstone stocks, memorial monolith, pound, telegraph office, Zion chapel, The Tors Inn, St Mary the Virgin Church, font, Belstone incised cross, Belstone Cleave, Ashbury Tor, Moor Brook, East Okement River, Halstock Bridge & stepping stones, Black Hut / Watchet Hill Cottage,  Exmoor, Yes Tor, riders, Nine Maidens, Belstone Tor, Higher Tor, bench mark, Tarka Trail, water works. 

2010-7-14. Dartmoor Inn, Merrivale Quarry, Middle Staple Tor, marsh thistle, dung bonnets, Grey Dawn Quarry, fern (Broad Buckler?), Vixen Tor, yellow flower (Shrubby Cinquefoil?), hen, gate hanger, gate post holes, Little Wonder Bridge, Pila Brook, picturesque path, cow wheat, sedum, Hucken Tor, Usnea, King's Tor, funnel web, Labyrinth spider, railway tracks, logan stone, Staple Tors, Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor, Four Winds, Yellowmeade Farm, Marsh St John's Wort, TA stone, stone rows, cist, round house/hut circle, millstone. 

2010-7-8. Shipley Tor, Avon Filtration Station, tramway granite setts, Avon valley, Eastern White Barrow cairn, Western Wella Brook, Bronze Age settlement, tin diggings, Rider's Rings, Black Tor, reeve, old naphtha and china clay buildings at Shipley Bridge.

2010-7-7. On a grey, misty day - Rowtor, gun emplacements, targets, Moor Brook, Yes Tor, dung bonnets, High Willhays, benchmark.

2010-7-2. Hound Tor, Jay's Grave, Haytor Rocks, Honeybag Tor, Giant's Chair, PIT stone (DS 1854), Hameldown Hill, gnarled hawthorn tree, RAF Memorial, Hameldown Tor, Grimspound, Hookney Tor, Natsworthy Hill, bracken, soft rush, Heathercombe Woodlands, Mariners Way, cornflowers. red campion, stonecrop, bramble flowers, marsh thistle. 

2010-6-30. Fox Tor Mire, Whiteworks, golden-ringed dragonfly, FB, Rock tripe lichen, six-foot deep mire !!! 

2010-6-30. Cadover Bridge, River Plym, Sundew, Cadover Cross, cairn, Wigford Down, Ringmoor Cottage, Sheep's Tor, cows, hawthorn tree, lichen, longhouse, Dewerstone Rock, inscriptions, Cadworthy Tor, cairn circle, cist.

2010-6-24. Fox Tor Mire, Whiteworks, Devonport leat, Whiteworks Farm, mine shafts, Goldsmith's Cross, cist 1, Fox Tor, Childe's Tomb, Fox Tor Girt, dry Wheal Emma Leat, River Swincombe, cist 2, cist 3, DPA - Dartmoor Preservation Association.

2010-6-23. Arboretum, Burrator Reservoir, filled-in gateway, Sharpitor, Leather Tor, Sheep's Tor, heather flowers, Gutter Tor, Scout Hut, Yellowmead Down multiple stone circle, Down Tor, Roughtor Plantation, Combshead Tor, Cuckoo Rock, Sheepstor Church, Feather Bed, Altocumulus undulatus, Pixie's Cave, pillow mound, climbers, Maiden Tor, Chinook helicopter, English sedum, granite trough. 

2010-6-17. Yellow flag iris, Leather Tor Bridge, fern, signpost, Raddick Lane, Raddick Plantation, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, European larch, Keaglesborough Mine leat, blackface sheep, Crazy Well Pool, clapper bridge, Devonport leat, "black" aquatic moss, Cramber Tor, Burrator Reservoir, North Hessary Tor, common cotton grass, hare's tail cotton grass, Cramber Pool, trig. point, rowan in a deep pit, fly, Devonport leat, crowfoot, Newleycombe Cross, Down Tor, Sheepstor, Combeshead Tor, Hingston Hill stone row, Crazywell cross.  (130)

2010-6-16. Lych Way or The Way of the Dead, Bellever Forest, The Hairy Hand of Dartmoor, Sitka spruce, animal clamp, Princetown, Bellever Tor, Laughter Tor, Bellever Tor letterbox, prehistoric settlement, Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust ponies, Rough Hawkbit. 

2010-6-9. Hawthorn blossom, bluebell, Teign estuary, WWII bullet stop, EPB 1837 boundary markers, milkwort, Dartmoor ponies, sheep creep, Buckland Beacon, The Ten Commandments Stones, Wells Tor (Welstor Rock), WWI rifle range, lime-loving ferns growing on old mortar - maidenhair splaenwort, black spleenwort. 

2010-6-2. Middleworth Farm, shippon, hayloft, Heath Speedwell, track towards Deancombe, approach to Deancombe Farm, possible pigsty, granite trough, Deancombe Farm remains, String of sausages lichen (Usnea articulata), Spotted Wood butterfly, rare giant granite mushroom - otherwise known as staddle stones, grinding stone for sharpening farm implements and tools, Cuckoo Rock, unknown plant, second set of staddle stones at Deancombe, a conifer tree growing in / on an oak tree, Narrator Brook, bluebells, mortar stones, Heath Spotted Orchid, orange fungus, Outholme Farm, shaped granite mullion; Down Tor, Leather, Sharpitor,  Combeshead Farm cave, cache, growan, hawthorn blossom, Hingston stone row, cairn circle, Burrator reservoir, sheep. 

2010-5-27. Hemsworthy Gate, three-sided parish boundary stone, old gate post, Dartmoor ponies, Top Tor, Hound Tor, bluebells, Hollow Tor, Tunhill Rocks, backlit sheep, Pil Tor, plane, St Pancras Church (Widecombe), Blackslade cist, medieval longhouse, Rippon Tor, Blackslade Brook, ford and stepping stones, boundary stones, speedwell, Newhouse (old inn), slotted gatepost, recumbent hawthorn tree, A 1793 boundary stone, Rippon Tor features, trig. point, views, whortleberry, Dartmoor ponies, Stittlefords (Stentiford's) Cross. 

2010-5-26. Venford Reservoir, commemorative plaques on the dam, RD H / PUDC stones, Pipe Walk, hawthorn blossom, Grey Willow, Sharp Tor, charcoal loading bay/small quarry, charcoal burning area, water pipe, "Deb'n vylit" (possibly wood dog violet), bluebells, Dr Blackall's Drive, Bell Tor, Lady's Bedstraw, slotted gatepost, lousewort, bird pellet. flower-2, Bench Tor, Dartmoor ponies, Yar Tor, Corndon Tor, Venford Reservoir, Medieval square fields, Bronze Age strip fields, round house, reeve. 

2010-6-19. A wet, misty day: cockchafer (May bug), oak, bluebells, Yeo Farm, 1610 lintel, Burrator Wood, step stile, string-of-sausages lichen, Sheeptor church, Sheeps Tor, walling, gorse, Cuckoo Flower aka Lady's Smock, ponies. 

2010-5-12. Smeardon Down car park, emergency shelter, Boulter's Tor, Great Combe Tor, bluebells, tormentil, Colly Brook, Wedlake or Peter Tavy Brook, wild flowers, Spanish bluebells, dovecote, red valerian, Church of St. Peter, Peter Tavy, village cross, scaly male fern, gatepost, Longtimber Tor, River Tavy, Mary Tavy hydro-electricity power station, mould stone, mill stone, cider press, Thompson turbine, mining artefacts of Devon United South Mine. 

2010-5-5. Postbridge clapper bridge, road bridge, dippers, East Dart river, moorland crowfoot, willows, Hartland Tor, Braddon Lake, Roundy Park, The Sheepfold, Beehive Hut, fissured granite, grasses, frog, Whinney's Down Brook, lichen, Birch Tor and Vitifer Mine Leat, Higher White Tor, Broadun Ring, cist. 

2010-5-2. High House Waste, Dog violet, lichens, mosses, clapper bridge, dry leat, Dendles Waste, hut circles, enclosures, fungi, grasses, tomentil, bronze age sofa (!), bluebells, Dor beetle, marsh violet, sundew. 

2010-4-28. Stitchwort, primrose, 1840 farm plaque, trees, trees. more trees, Cholwich Town China Clay Works, ivy on tree trunk, rhododendron, blackthorn blossom (Sloe - Prunus spinosa), deer hide, pat work cirrocumulus cloud, lined leat, common or creeping wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella), possible carriage drive bridge, common liverwort (Pellia epiphylla).  (120)

2010-4-21. Jimmy Bickle's Lane, step stile, church stile, Horrabridge, Pew Tor, Great Staple Tor, Vixen Tor, IngraTor, lesser celandine, violets, dandelion, dry leat, halo around the sun, dismantled Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway, poetry plaque, stone row, spring, Black Brook, cattle "creep",  new-born lamb, Gipsy Rock, daffodils, crustose lichen, Dartmoor longhouse. 

2010-4-14. Bel Tor Corner, Bel Tor, Venford Reservoir, Sharp Tor, Mel Tor, slotted gate posts (two types), Dr Blackall's Drive, Double Dart River, common gorse, Blackthorn blossom (Sloe - Prunus spinosa), with lichen, Leigh Tor, elder tree, oak tree, wild sweet violet, Dartmoor ponies.

2010-4-8. Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, bullseye stones, Pew Tor, Windy Post, also known as Windy Post Cross, Windystone and Beckamoor Cross, Brentor, Vixen Tor, Great Mis Tor, Roos Tor, "hot-cross bun" Pew Tor marker stones from 1847, 5-holed marker stone from 1896.

2010-4-7. Grimstone & Sortridge Leat, bullseye stones, Sampford Spiney parish boundary stones, Pew Tor, Prowtytown Rocks, Windy Post, also known as Windy Post Cross, Windystone and Beckamoor Cross, Feather Tor, feather-and-tares, abandoned granite mill stone, "hot-cross bun" Pew Tor marker stones, Dartmoor ponies, WWII bomb crater, Brentor and marker stone, daffodils. 

2010-3-31. Willsworthy Firing Range notice at Lane End car park, moss-covered hedge shrubs, pennywort, Willsworthy Manor Pound, Will cottages (1816), WD 40 stone, WD 38 stone, WD 37 stone, Baggator, Round Wood / South Common Plantation, stiles, Willsworthy Brook, laid hazel hedge, hard fern, maidenhair spleenwort, common polypody, filled-in gateway.

2010-3-24. Widecombe-in-the-Moor, yew tree, brew or ale house, Church House, The Old Inn, lych gate, coffin stone, 15" naval shell, National Trust signs, St Pancras Church - The Cathedral on the Moor, snowdrops, wild daffodils, Widecombe cross, the Widecombe sign (monolith), Uncle Tom Cobley etc., village green, gatepost with an incised cross, "wedge-and-groove" marks, crystals, sunken lane, Dartmoor ponies, lichens, swaled gorse, slotted gateposts, fungus on fallen tree trunk, sundial, church screen inserts, two-way plough, Tucker Stone, bell clappers, stained glass windows, church kissing gate. 

2010-3-17. Burrator quarry, granite road posts, Drake's Leat/Plymouth Leat, oak tree, Burrator Dam, hazel catkins, commemorative plaques, suspension bridge anchor points, Longstone Manor, windstrew, cider press, keeves, air raid shelter, growan, quarry interface between Devonian Period rocks (370 million years old) and Dartmoor granite (Permian Period, 280 million years old), gorse flowers.

2010-3-10. Princetown Brewery, North Hessary Tor TV transmitter, Dartmoor ponies, River Meavy head, frog spawn, Sheep's Tor, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's horse-drawn Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway, Princetown, hut circles, reeve, PCWW 1917 Burrator Reservoir water catchment area boundary stone, Foggintor Quarry, Great Mis Tor, "TA" stones between Tavistock and Ashburton parishes, PCWW 1932 stone, railway stables. 

2010-3-3. Pixies Matchsticks, Sheep's Tor, Down Tor, Newleycombe Cross, Burrator Reservoir, Hingston Hill stone row, Devonport Leat, Driveage Bottom, clapper bridges, water works hut, weirs, sluice gate, Devonport Leat Cross (also known as Hutchinson's Cross), Devonport Leat tunnel, the old smithy, Nun's Cross (aka Siward's Cross). 

2010-2-24. Plymouth Leat - also called Drake's Leat, clapper bridge, gorse flowers, breached leat wall, Roborough Down Lane, site of the body under the bridge (2001), Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt's Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway (a horse-drawn tramway), tramway stones, Iron Age Earthwork, trig. point, Devonport Leat. (110)

2010-2-17. Wheal Jewell Mine Leat, Ger Tor, Hare Tor, Sharp Tor, Tavy Cleave, River Tavy, cairn, Fur Tor (cloud covered), military firing range observation post, ford, Rattle Brook, hut circles, settlement.

2010-2-10. A wintry walk - freezing on the high moor above Okehampton. Row Tor, West Mill Tor, East Mill Tor, gun emplacements, steel target, target railway, Yes Tor, Winter Tor, New Bridge, East Okement Farm, OP22 - Observation Post 22, old Lydford boundary stone.

2010-2-3. A misty walk to see Gutter Tor, army lorries, rock basin, four vermin traps, newly-found unfinished stone cross, nearby abandoned apple-crusher, rabbit buries (pillow mounds), Ditsworthy Warren House with many features incl. dog kennels and ferret cage, River Plym, weir head for the Bottle Hill Mine leat or Lee Moor leat to the Big Pond, Ware's Garden, Drizzlecombe stone rows, Scout Hut.

2010-1-27. West Black Down, boundary stone, Was Tor, frozen water on the track, Southern Railway line, calf, mine shaft, mine workings, Brent Tor, Brentor church, Gibbet Hill, triangulation point.

2010-1-21. Gutter Tor newly-found unfinished cross, rabbit buries (Ditsworthy Warren House complex), vermin traps, gert scenes, mist!

2010-1-20. Grimstone and Sortridge Leat, clapper bridge, Vixen Tor, Merrivale Quarry, sett makers' bankers, pixies' matchsticks, Middle Staple Tor, Little Staple Tor and sign in the Rees Jeffrey's car park.  

2010-1-2. Raddick Lane, Crazy Well Pool, restored cross, feather-and-tare remains.

2009-1-4. Pixies Cave or Piskie's Cave.

2009-12-16. Fox & Hounds Hotel, beech trees with extensive roots, old railway, cycle route 27, platelayer's hut, gorse, wayside seats, shoe-tree, black sheep, Widgery Cross, Bray Tor, King's Way, Boundary Stone - Bridestowe, Sourton & Lydford parishes. 

2009-12-9. Venford Reservoir, dam, leat, Medieval field system, Dart Valley, Bench Tor, Sharp Tor, charcoal burner's wotsit, witch's brooms, water pipe, wind-shaped Rowan, bracket fungus, lichen.  (100)  

2009-12-2. Shaugh Moor Bowling Green car park, WWII signaling post, unidentified fungus, "H" boundary post, burned gorse, Hawk's Tor, wedge and groove rock splitting method, Golden Plover, Saddleborough Cairns stone circles, rediscovered stone row (small stones). 

2009-11-25. Hemsworthy Gate, Stittleford's (Stentiford's) Cross, Haytor, Saddle Tor, boundary stones "A 1793" stone, Pil Tor, Top Tor, mill stone, cairns, reeve, Teignmouth, mill stone incised with a cross, a rough cross, rainbow, moss, lichen, Pixies Matchsticks, fungi. 

2009-11-11. Parke (National Trust - leased to Dartmoor National Park Authrority), apple tree, mistletoe, walled garden, fungus, ant's nest, honeycomb, river views, Canute's Throne, weir, old railway track, specimen trees, Haytor tramway rails as fence posts, mushrooms, Parke House, hay wagon, Dartmoor pony sledge, Haytor tramway truck, Devon cart. 

2009-10-28. Okehampton Station, railway viaduct, weirs, East Okement River, stepping stones, clam bridge, Moor Brook, salmon spawning pool, Belstone Tor, Higher Tor, iron age settlement ditch, cheese factory, Lower Halstock Farm, Row Tor, West Mill Tor, Yes Tor, Army Camp. Photos c/o Peter.

2009-11-4. Yennadon Down, Burrator Halt railway station, Burrator Dam, Sheep's Tor, mill stone, Burrator Lodge, corrugated iron building, Lowery threshing barn, Devonport Leat, sluices, clapper bridge, Honey Fungus. 

2009-10-29. Sharpitor, Leather Tor, North Hessary Tor, TV transmitter, Burrator Reservoir boundary stone, Sheeps Tor,  Longstone Manor, cider keeves, cider press, wind strew (raised threshing floor), Down Tor.

2009-10-21. Pentillie Castle, East Cornwall.

2009-10-14. Burrator Reservoir PCWW 1917 catchment area boundary stone, Nun's Cross, Nun's Cross Farm, Sluices, Devonport Leat, Fox Tor Mire, Northmore's Cross, Whealham Bottom Cross, clapper bridge. 

2009-10-12. A totally blue sky day: Gutter Tor, Scout Hut, Legis Tor, Ditsworthy Warren House, Drizzlecombe stone rows, Giant's Basin, The Royal Oak pub at Meavy.  (90)

2009-10-8. Crockern Tor, Stannary Parliament, table rocks, judge's seat, bench, Littaford Tors, West Dart River, Beardown Tors, Longaford Tor, Devonport Leat, Higher White Tor, stone row, Wistman's Wood, Wentworth Buller stone. 

2009-10-7. A wet, misty day. Bennett's Cross, small clapper bridge, World War I lookout post, VB marker stone, Hookney Tor, Grimspound, Headland Warren Farm, ponies, Birch Tor.

2009-10-1. Sheeps Tor, Highland cattle, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, corn ditch wall, reeve, Outhome Cist, Gutter Tor, rowan, adit, usnea, shaft, Yellowmead multiple stone circle, dousing movies. 

2009-9-30. Gutter Tor, Sheeps Tor, anti-deer wall, boundary work, Outhome cist, Fox Moth caterpillar, Combshead Tor, Down Tor, Cuckoo Rock, PCWW 1919 marker stone, Longstone Leat, Yellowmead multiple stone circle, Leather Tor, Sharpitor, fly agaric fungus.

2009-9-23. Shapley Common, hut circles, stone walls, West Coombe Newtake, rowan berries, highland cattle, West Coombe farm block work, ash house, large granite gate posts, Mariner's Way, slotted gate post, Leapra or Leeper Cross. 

2009-9-17. A beautiful blue-sky day. Little Mis Tor, Great Mis Tor, River Walkham, Grimstone and Sortridge Leat head weir, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor, Cox Tor, Middle Staple Tor, Little Staple Tor, Dartmmor Inn - Merrivale, Merrivale stone row.

2009-9-16. Dartmoor ponies, Bellever Tor, Laughter Tor, Beardown Tors, Longaford Tor, Brimpts Mine Leat, old 5-barred gate with slotted and grooved gateposts, clapper bridge, ling, more Dartmoor ponies and Dunnabridge Pound. 

2009-9-3. Sheeps Tor, Ringmoor Cottage, Ringmoor Down, Gutter Tor, Scout Hut, Legis Tor, Fox Moth caterpillar(?), stone row, stone circle, Hen Tor.

2009-9-2. Wheal Jewell Reservoir, drained for cleaning and re-sealing, and Wheal Betsy. 

2009-8-12. Swallerton Gate, old drinking trough, old cross used in a wall, Jacob's sheep, Dartmoor ponies, Bowerman's Nose, "lick" box, Haytor, Saddle Tor, lichen, bell heather, common ling, yellow flower, thistle, Jay's Grave.  (80)

2009-8-6. East Dart waterfall. The best views are from the north bank although we thought the easiest route was to the south bank. The waterfall can be crossed at its top, providing there has not been heavy rain. A rope might be advisable as a safety precaution.

2009-8-5. Holming Beam, firing range warning signs, Cowsic River, Lydford Tor, Beardown Tors, Crow Tor, Devil's Tor, Longaford Tor, Higher White Tor, river bridge, Long Plantation, Princetown, stable for Range Officer's pony, Devonport Leat take-off point, Sundew, cross-leaved heath, bell heather. 

2009-7-22. Swincombe Valley, Dolly Trebble's House, John Bishop semi-dressed walling, Belted Galloway cattle, dry Wheal Emma leat, Swincombe Bridge, Swincombe Ford Bridge, Fairy Bridge, John Bishop's House, Cladonia cup lichen, medieval Tavistock-Ashburton pack horse track, horse and foal, crazing mill stones, mortar stones, mould stones, wheelpit.

2009-7-15. Princetown, drinking fountain, structure from the overhead ropeway from Brimpts(?), Blackbrook River, Devonport Leat, Batchelor's Hall, sheep, Conchie's Road, Crock of Gold cairn circle and cist, Blakey Tor East cist, Blakey Tor. 

2009-7-9. Bellever Forest, timber, Bellever tor, trig point, dry stone walls, Laughter Tor, cairn & cist (x2), cist, marker stone of forgotten significance, clapper bridge. This walk completed a quest to see the cists located to the south/south-west of the forest that was cut short on 18 Sept. 2008.

2009-7-2. Jay's Grave and Bowerman's Nose, on a misty day ..... 

2009-7-1. Yelverton, yellow flower, Harrowbeer airfield (site of), Plymouth-Tavistock railway, bomb-rolling platform, seat plaque (Wonnacott), Walkhampton, Higher Dittisham, Kilroy, Magpie viaduct, foxglove, Wheal Franco adit, bridge construction, wall stonework, National Cycle Route 27 (see previous walk). Finally, a special "Thank you" to Sam for hospitality afterwards.

2009-6-24. Drakes (Plymouth) Leat, Sheeps Tor, Peek's Hill, Sharpitor, various wild flowers - incl. foxglove, meadow buttercup, dog rose, bindweed, National Cycle Network, Route 27, site of Shaugh Platform, Smokies Tunnel, Bickleigh Vale Phoenix Mine - also known as Tunnel Mine, River Meavy, shrub roses, ling or common heather. Finally, a special "Thank you" to Celia and Alan for hospitality during the walk.

2009-6-17. Crownhill Down, Lee Moor china clay works, Headon Down clay works, Broomage Farm, Whitehill Tor, Crownhill Tor, a brick, Mumford Cottage, a stile for giants, gatepost, stone circle, tree lichen, Lee Moor boundary post, wild thyme?  

2009-6-10. Grenofen, River Walkham, woods, trees, trees, trees, wild flower etc.  (70)

2009-6-3. Crockern Tor, Bellever Tor, Littaford Tors, Beardown Tors, West Dart valley, Wistman's Wood, inscribed Wentworth Buller stone, fern, moss, lichens, Usnea (Beard Lichen or Tree Moss), Greater Stitchwort, Sedum, inscribed rock, Crow Tor. 

2009-5-27. Long Ash Garden Centre, Yelverton, wet moorland, wet grass, wet bracken, wet paths, wet trees, wet sheep, wet cows, wet walkers, wet bluebells, whitebells, Iron Age settlement, fort or pound with surrounding ditch ("Castle Field"), Berra Tor / Burra Tor / Beara Tor, badgers sett.

2009-5-13. Plymbridge woods, canal, tramway, viaduct, peregrine falcons, trees .........

2009-5-6. Hound Tor, cairn circle and cist, Haytor, dew pond, grass (carex species), Greator Rocks, reave, Holwell Lawn, bumble bee, Holwell Tor, pixie land, Harvey's jump, lichens blowing in the wind, laurel flowers, Medieval village, longhouses, drying barns for corn, the witch. 

2009-4-29. Boulter's Tor, Setters Tor, settlement and White Tor, Great Combe Tor, lichens, sundew, sheep moving, haycutter and scuffler, new-born lamb, Brentor, Peter Tavy, swimming pool, gorse, lousewort, cuckoo flower (Lady's smock), Colly Brook/ Wedlake/ Peter Tavy Brook, bluebells, ramson (wild garlic), Red Devon cattle.

2009-4-22. Two Crosses, Wind Tor, common gorse, western gorse, violet, Drywell crossroads, Drywell Cross, early purple orchid, pink purslane, Dockwell, Hutholes medieval village, longhouses, cooking pit, drying kilns for corn, National Park information board, May blossom / hawthorn, slotted gatepost, water crowfoot.

2009-4-15. Sharpitor, Stanlake Plantation, Stanlake Farm, Devonport Leat, clapper bridge, Indian doll's head, River Meavy, aqueduct, Black Tor, Logan Stone, double stone row, cairn, cist.

2009-4-2. A misty morning became a blue sky day and a walk to the highest point in southern England: Rowtor, West Mill Tor, military field gun emplacements, ponies, Yes Tor, High Willhays (High Willies, locally), cairn, Big Bang - demolition of unexploded ordnance found during military clean-up operations!

2009-3-25. Prewley Moor, reave, Sourton Tor, East Tor, The Iron Gates (marking the King's Way), Yes Tor, ice works, boundary stone, quartz. 

2009-3-18. Burrator, dam, gorse, suspension bridge anchor points, earth dam, Longstone Manor, cider press, cider keeves, windstrew - raised threshing floor, slotted gate post, wild daffodils, bracket fungus - all on a clear, blue-sky day with some haze in the distance.  (60)   

2009-3-11. Harefoot Cross car park, Top Tor, Pil Tor, Blackslade Down, cairn and cist, Whittaburrow and cairn, Tunhill Rocks, hut circle and homestead, Widecombe-in-the-Moor, frog spawn and Bovey Rock.

2009-3-4. Yennadon / Lowery Cross, approaching hail shower, poetry plaque, Walkhampton church, stone row, frog spawn, Brent Tor, pixies matchsticks (British Soldier Lichen or Cladonia cristatella), Great Mis Tor, Burrator Reservoir, Sheeps Tor, sett makers' bankers, Devonport leat, tree-felling.

2009-2-26. Haytor, granite tramway, main quarry, crane winding gear, crane jib, iron rings fastened into granite rocks, second quarry, Holwell Tor.

2009-2-25. Sharpitor, hut circles, reeve, Leedon tor, Ingra Tor, quarry, circular crane bases, railway halt. 

2009-2-18. Dartmeet, Badgers Holt, Brimpts Farm, Yar Tor Down, spring, large hut circle - The Monument, re-erected doorway stones now fallen again, Vag Hill rabbit warren with pillow mounds, Combestone Tor, Vag Hill Pit, Warren House, confluence of the East & West Dart rivers at Dartmeet - the Double Dart, ancient clapper bridge at Dartmeet.

2009-2-12. Bennet's Cross, Birch Tor, Vitifer Mine area, enclosure, Headland Warren Farm, pound, Two Moors Way, shelter/hut, Warren House Inn.

2009-2-11. Smeardon Down, Boulters Tor, Twyste Farm, slotted granite gate post, sheep creep, granite roller, Bronze age settlement with round houses/hut circles below White Tor.

2009-2-5. Deancombe Farm, Cuckoo Rock, Combeshead Farm, potato cave, Combshead Tor, Hingston Hill circle and stone row, three cists, Down Tor.

2009-1-28. Parking near the Warren House Inn for King's Oven, Vee-stones, unfinished mill stone, Water Hill cairn, Caroline Farm, disused mine shaft. 

2009-1-21. Blackaton Cross and Trowlesworthy Tors, with views to Leather tor, Sharpitor, Sheeps Tor, Hexton Tor, Hen Tor. (50)

2009-1-14. Great Mis Tor, Little Mis Tor.

2009-1-7. Middleworth Farm, Deancombe Farm, granite mushrooms, "Eeyore's House", hut circle, frozen Burrator Reservoir, Down Tor, Snapper's Tor, Norsworthy car park tin mine features.

2008-12-27. From Peat Cot parking area towards Crazy Well Pool (briefly) then left at the leat, around the hill and back towards Nun's Cross, on a very cold and windy but beautifully clear day.

2008-12-17. Walkhampton and surrounding area, church, views, panorama of far tors, finishing with the Christmas lunch in The Walkhampton Inn.

2008-12-10. Bedford Bridge car park (Horrabridge), Roborough Common - in the Walkhampton Valley, Grenofen viaduct.

2008-12-3. A beautiful, cold day with an almost cloudless blue sky. Combestone Tor, Sharp Tor, Wheal Emma dry leat, Holne Moor leat, clapper bridges, Bronze Age field boundaries, Witches Broom(?), Holne track, West Dart River, Luckey Tor, Medieval field features, small aqueduct. 

2008-11-20. A very grey day - Princetown, GWR stable, Princetown Brewery, Devils Elbow, Rifle range, hut circles, Hart Tor, lichens, fungus, red moss, South Hessary Tor. (1st walk + camera with group. Before that, walked 2008-10-22 Yennadon Down and 2008-11-12  Roundy Park - Arch Tor without the camera)

2008-11-6. New Waste Gate, Redaven Gulf, Stalldon Barrow stone row, Hillson's House, cairns, cairn and cist, settlement, hut circles, leat, clapper bridge.

2008-10-14. DPA Fungus Foray at Yarner Wood/Trendlebeer Down 

2008-10-9. Nun's Cross area to Eylesbarrow tick walk.  (40)

2008-9-18. Postbridge, Bellever Forest, Kraps Ring, cists, cairn circles, cairn circles & cists, stone row, Lakehead Hill, Bellever Tor.

2008-9-4. Harford Moor Gate, stone row (small), standing stones, Hobajohn's Cross, Spurrell's Cross, pool, cist, Hangershell Rock, Belted Galloway cattle, stone circles.

2008-8-22 Burrator, blowing house with mould stone, potato cave, River Meavy, potato cave, bridges. old farms, dolls head, aqueduct, sluices for water flow control, Crazy Well Pool, restored cross, old tin mine, worked stone. 

2008-8-14 Hookney Tor, Grimspound, Hameldown Tor, Hammel Down Cross, Broad Barrow, Single Barrow, Two Barrows, Challacombe Medieval Village, tin scars.

2008-7-18 Whiteworks solitary cist and tin mine ruins, on a wet day.

2008-6-12 - Scout hut, Whittenknowles Rocks / Settlement, Drizzle Combe stone rows, Giants Basin, cairns, cist, mine workings.  

2008-6-9 Dartmoor Preservation Association walk led by John Howell: Postbridge, Lakehead Hill, stone row, 2 cists, Bellever Tor, stepping stones over the East Dart River, Snaily House, Bellever Clapper Bridge. Laughter Tor.

2008-6-3 (3rd June) - High House Waste, lower-slope boggy area. A botanical walk with Dartmoor Preservation Association.

2008-5-29 - Trowlesworthy Farm, cist, leat, Spanish Lake, Great Trowlesworthy Tor, Little Trowlesworthy Tor, possible reave.

2008-5-22. A leaden sky for a visit to Hound Tor, cairn circle and cist (kistvaen), bluebells, Medieval settlement, Greator Rocks, Holwell Lawn, waterfalls, elusive boundary stone.  (30)

2008-5-8. Batworthy, Kes Tor (or Kestor Rock on the OS map) on Chagford Common, the Long Stone, along the Teignhead Road (Harvey map) north-west wall of Fernworthy Forest, seeing the memorial to a Royal Marine along the way, as far as the North Teign River near Teinbridge Farm to see the clapper bridge memorial to FHS again. The return was for the most part back along the same route but diverting to revisit antiquities on Shovell Down. This walk relates to the 2008-4-14_WaternTor. 

 2008-4-17 Hingston Hill stone row.

2008-4-14. Batworthy Corner, Teign-e-ver Clapper Bridge, Wallabrook Bridge, Tolmen Stone, leat, Scorhill Circle, Watern Tor, cairn, Manga Hill, Teignbridge farm footbridge (FB5), FHS Memorial Footbridge, Shovel Down, Three Boys Standing Stone (fallen), Long Stone, Kestor Rock, stone rows and Round Pound.

2008-4-10 Finding more boundary stones across Haytor Down 

2008-3-6  This walk is really a short GPS exercise to find stones in the Haytor Down area marked on the map as boundary stones. Stones engraved, 6, BB, IJ, Prince Albert and Owlacombe Burrow. 

2008-2-18 - Haytor, Haytor quarry, Haytor Down, granite tramway/Templar Way, un-named tor(? but marked as a cairn), Black Hill, cairn, Duke of Somerset's boundary stones, gorse in bud, Rock Inn.

2008-2-11 - Venford reservoir banchmark, woodland track, 2 granite slabs, Lower Bench Tor, Higher Bench Tor, Venford dam, Venford reservoir. This walk completes an earlier walk that was curtailed on 19 October 2007 due to poor light, HERE.

2008-2-6 - East Rook Gate, boundary/leat, Penn Beacon, cairn, reave, Shell Top, Rosalie stone, River Yealm, blowing house, mould stone, Yealm Steps, second blowing house (across the river), Dendle's Waste, High House Waste.

2007-12-14 - Fernworthy Forest, stone row and circle, cairn, cist, Teignhead Farm, bridges, tinner's hut, The Grey Wethers restored double stone circle and nearby pound

2007-11-22 - Scout Hut - Eylesbarrow - cairns - disused tin mine - odd building structure (relates to 23 October walk) - cist  (20)

2007-11-15 - Harford Moor Gate - hut circles - Hangershell Rock - cairn - Cist 1 - Spurrell's Cross - Glasscombe Ball - more cairns - stone row - Glasscombe Corner - stone rows - Long Barrow - Ball Gate - Three Barrows - Sharp Tor - Piles Gate - well-preserved cist - plus other views, on a beautiful day

2007-10-29 - Scout Hut car park - track towards Eylebarrow - Plym Steps - previously unseen "Cist-8" and Cists-11 & 12 - Plym Steps blowing house - double mortar stone - ponies - other ruins. This walk was planned to see cists that were not seen on a previous walk.

2007-10-19 - Holne Moor - Venford Reservoir - dry Wheal Emma / Holne Moor leat footbridge - triple stone row (which is hard to see) - Horn's Cross - Combestone Tor - Holne Moor leat - hut circles and a reave - Luckey Tor - PUDC / RD H reservoir boundary stones - Venford Dam.2007-10-4 - Burrator - Middleworth Farm - Combeshead Farm - Cuckoo Rock - bridleway - blowing house - mould stone - sought-for adit - cist  

2007-9-27 - Whiteworks-2 - Nun's Cross - tin ruin - Devonport Leat - boundary stones

2007-9-18 Whiteworks - Nun's Cross - Nun's Cross Farm - Nun's Cross or Plym Ford - Great Gnats Head - Cist-1 (possibly miss-marked on the map or possibly with a second cist close-by that is not on the map) - Calveslake Tor - Cist-2 - Cist-3 - Cist-4 (Grim's Grave) - Cists 5, 6, 7, (8), 9 & 10 (all situated in or along the Langcombe Brook that runs down to Plym Steps) - Plym Steps - Lower Hartor Tor - Higher Hartor Tor - Eylesbarrow Tin mine - back to Whiteworks. Not all the non-cist features were photographed and they will be covered in another walk. The cist locations can be seen on the map at the bottom of the page, and GPS positions 'fixed' on the day are given for each one.

2007-9-4 - Dartmoor Inn, Lydford, River Lyd, stepping stones, ford, footbridge, Doe Tor, Doetor Brook, Bray Tor, Widgery Cross, tin works with buddles, wheel pit, leat etc, Hare Tor, Sharp Tor, Great Links Tor, Arms Tor, Daisy-May (one of the Dartmoor's climbing cows)2007-7-24 - Postbridge, clapper bridge, Lydgate House, East Dart valley, farm land, by Pizwell, Dury Farm, 2nd clapper bridge, Bellever, through the forest, Bellever Tor, Lych Way, cairn and cist (well preserved), stone row (short), Kraps Ring settlement

2007-7-4 Princetown - From Princetown car park, North Hessary Tor, Roundlestone Tor, Hollow Tor, old enclosures, Tyrwhitt's tramway, Yellowmeade farm, Foggintor Quarry, panorama view of many tors, "Dartmoor Edelweiss"(?), boundary stones, hut circle 

2007-6-27 Merrivale - From "Dartmoor Inn" - Grimstone & Sortridge leat - Vixen Tor  - Heckwood Tor - Pew Tor - Sampford Spiney - Ward Bridge (River Walkham) - former Plymouth/Princetown railway - Swelltor Quarry - old London Bridge corbels - Merrivale stone rows. (10)

2007-5-2 Haytor & Saddle Tor

2007-4-18 - Dunnabridge Pound via Outer Huccaby Ring, Huccaby Tor, (Huccaby Ring), Huccaby Cottage, Huccaby Farm, Hexworthy Bridge, Forest Inn, Gobbet Yin Mine cutting, stepping stones (2 sets) and back to Dunnabridge Pound

2007-4-12 - Shipley Bridge car park to the Avon Dam and back, using a tarmaced road all the way

2007-3-14 Scout Hut (Nattor) car park to Ditsworthy Settlement, stone rows, River Plym, Shavercombe Falls, Hen Tor, Legis Tor, a leat, River Plym again (wider this time!), Gutter Tor, cairn & cist, and back to the car park 

2007-3-5 New Waste gate up to the Yealm Steps Waterfall and back. It was curtailed due to the onset of rain!

2007-2-26 - Shaugh Bridge, views of Dewerstone Rocks, West Down Wood, North Wood, pipe track, wooden bridge and stile, ladder stile, Cadover Bridge, restored cross, Wigford Down, cairn & cist, Dewerstone, cable brake drum house, 19thC inclined tramway, Shaugh Bridge

2007-2-21 - Hobajons Cross, Spurrell's Cross, Ugborough Beacon, Butterdon Hill, Black Pool, boundary stones, Western Beacon

2007-2-20 - Sharpitor, LeatherTor, Sheeps Tor, Burrator

2004-12-28 - A walk with Matthew to Crazy Well Pool (28 Dec 2004)

Old Strolls


All photographs on this web site are copyright © Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions