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New Waste to Yealm Steps Waterfall

This walk: 2007-3-5 This walk was from New Waste gate up to the Yealm Steps Waterfall and back. It was curtailed due to the onset of rain!

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Windswept tree close to SX 62478 61873. Some of these trees in the hedge certainly lean out on the lee side of the hedge


Settlement at SX 62298 62445 in the mid distance. It looks like a lot of stones from this vantage point. Note the sky darkening in that direction .....


Rain water running off the moor beside the settlement over ordinary grass. This was not a regular stream and indicates the amount of rain that fell over the weekend (this was on Monday 5 March)


Hut circle in the settlement


Another settlement on the next hill at SX 62015 63593 with the head valley of the River Yealm to the left, parts of the Yealm Steps Waterfall are showing white



Ranny Brook falls at approx SX 62143 63313


Rain to the south


View of the blowing house towards the right on the head waters of the River Yealm at SX 61780 63515. The river is to the left


Mould stone in the blowing house for casting molten tin into ingots for carrying off the moor


View of Yelam Steps Waterfall at approx SX 61740 63645


Yealm Steps Waterfall