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Walk details below - Information about the route etc.

This walk: 2007-4-12 from Shipley Bridge (SX 68070 62890) to the Avon Dam (SX 68000 652502) and back on the same track.

This was a simple walk along a tarmac'd track that did not pass any major landmark items although it was a beautiful day and enough sights were seen and photographed!

A gnarled tree near the car park


A view up-river (River Avon)


A view down-river from the same place


An impressive area where the river opens inot a wide bed


General view up the valley where the sheltered part finishes and open moorland beckons



Gorse in flower


A small stream


The Avon dam




Another view


Ancient settlement now on the bank of the reservoir - hut circles are clearly visible.
Believed Huntingdon Barrow (SX 66205 66915) on the horizon just right of centre.


A settlement nearby, on the slope overlooking the reservoir


Another view of the dam from higher ground


Remains of a settlement back down the valley


Another view of the settlement - an old farm, perhaps?


Striking old conifer trees near the car park. There is a beautiful old Scots pine to the left of this view.